The Wizard's Daughter-Chapter One-The Birthday Party

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     "Come on Jemily!" Frodo was pulling me onto the dock.

     "What are we doing here?" I asked.

     "Well going swimming, of course!" He said exitedley. I sighed. I took off my cloak and boots, along with putting my wand and necklace next to them, and with that, I dove into the water. Frodo did a cannon ball right after me. I smiled at him. Suddenly there were two more splashes and a blonde hobbit, along with a brunette, were in the water with us.

     "Who's she Frodo?" The blonde one asked.

     "Merry," He addressed the blonde one. "Pippin," he addressed the other one. "This is Jemily, she is Gandalf's daughter!" He told them.

     "She's quite pretty, but now her dress is all wet," The one called Pippin said. "Did you push her in?" I laughed. I can hold my breathe for a while so I went deep under water and when I came up Pippin was yelling on my shoulders. "Oi! What're ya doing?!" I swam back to the shore and dropped him on the grass as I laid down next to him. We both laughed again and Merry joined us. I put my cloak and boots back on along with my necklace. I also grabbed my wand and put it in the compartment in my cloak.

     Eventually Frodo laughed with us and we were lying down in a circle gazing at the clouds. Frodo then stood up. "Come! We don't want to be late for the party!" And with that, we were off to the center of the shire.

     The music was playing, Frodo and the hobbits were dancing, ale was being drunk, and dad was shooting off his famous fireworks. Suddenly I saw Merry and Pippin going through the fireworks and I walked towards them. I silently went up behind Merry and tapped him on the shoulder. He let out a yelp of fright.

     "You know, it isn't right to steal," I told them.

     "Oh be quiet and help us fire off one!" Pippin said, he was giddy as, what was the expression? A school boy! Yup, that's it!

     "Oh alright, but don't tell my dad!" and with that, we grabbed the biggest firework and went inside a tent. "Aren't we supposed to do it outside?" I asked. But Pippin had already lit it. They were tossing it back and forth at each other and then it went off, pretty much blowing up in our faces. It turned into a dragon and then into a huge fireworks display!

     "That was amazing!" Merry exclaimed.

     "Let's get another!"

     "Oh no! Not after that stunt you just pulled!" Just then, my dad grabbed Pippin and Merry's ears along with giving me a slight hit on the head.

     "Meriadoc Brandybuck!" He scolded. "And Peregrin Took! I should've known!" he sent them off to wash the dishess while he made me go back to sit on the bench near Bag End.

     I was sitting when my elf ears heard a bunch of gasps coming from the direction of the party. Then I heard footsteps and the door to Bag End opened. I followed whoever it was inside and saw Bilbo starting to pack to leave. "What did you do?" I asked him.

     "He dissapeared!" Gandalf exclaimed in an angry tone.

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