The Wizard's Daughter-Chapter Five-To Rivendail

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Note: The picture of the wand is what I imagined that Jemily's wand would look like.


     We had eaten breakfast and were on the road again. After about an hour of walking the hobbits stopped entirely and started to set up supplies that seemed to indicate they were to start cooking. "Gentlemen, we do not stop until nightfall!" Strider shouted. Something seemed so familiar about him but I couldn't place my finger on it.

     "But what about breakfast?" Pippin asked.

     "We've already had it," Strider said, a little confused.

     I went up to him and explained. "Hobbits are accustomed to a certain amount of meals a day, such as breakfast, second breakfast, elevensies, luncheons, dinner, and supper, these four hobbits have probably never went a day without any of those meals," I told him. He chuckled and we went over to a tree to start to pick apples for them.

     "Oi!" Sam shouted. "Where are you even taking us?" He quesioned.

     "To Rivendail, master hobbit," Strider replied. I squealed with glee! I would see Uncle Elrond again! Well, he wasn't exactly my uncle but he definetely filled in that position in my life, and Arwen was like my cousin. Almost everyone I knew played a part in my "family". I saw the good in almost everyone.

     "You hear that Mr. Frodo? We're going to see the elves!" Sam was apparently very exited to meet some elves. I chuckled, he thought that I was human, like dad, but no, I'm an elf. I am proud of being an elf.

     "This used to be a great watch tower," Strider said as he looked at a ruin. "We shall rest here tonight," And with that, we went up to a small divet were we could sleep.

     Frodo and I fell asleep and when we woke up we saw a fire going and the others were chatting amongst themselves happily. Frodo and I immediatley put out the fire, to late, the ring wraiths had seen us.

     Screeching, they came up to us, trapping us at the top of the ruin. I took out my wand, ready to start firing spells, but before I could, I was knocked aside by one of them, I fell, unconcious.

_____________________ *************************************

     When I woke up, I was in a beautiful room with dad by my side. "Dad!" I exclaimed, shooting up and wrapping my arms around his middle. Then I saw the figure standing behind him and immediatley knew who it was. "Uncle!" I exclaimed. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up. I was a bit wobbly at first but dad came to my rescue and I was eventually able to walk by myself.

     "You were never one to just lie around in bed were you?" Elrond smiled affectionately at me.

     "Nope!" I gave him a toothy grin. Just then Frodo came in, something was off, he was obviously in pain. "What happened?" I asked.

     "He was stabbed with a morgol blade," Uncle Elrond told me. I gasped and knelt down, wrapping my arms around Frodo's neck. He hugged back and then I was free to walk around the beautiful Rivendail. I had always loved the scenery there, it was breathtaking, even though I had been there many times, it's beautiful scenery always made me gasp. Suddenly I saw a bunch of people of many races came in.

     "The council is starting," Lord Elrond said behind me.

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