The Wizard's Daughter-Chapter Fourteen-The Boats

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     I woke up in the morning to someone calling my name and shaking me. I shot up. I looked to see who had woken me up and saw Boromir. "Hello lovely," he said. I rolled my eyes.

     "Shoe!" I told him.

     "Why should I?" He countered.

     "So I can get dressed idiot!" I rolled my eyes. I was still in my night gown, did he expect me to go like that?

     "Oh..." He blushed and walked away. I started to get dressed when I heard a knock on the door.

     "One minute!" I called through it.

     "Why?" Legolas. Great.

     "Um....." I was glad he couldn't see me blushing. I couldn't exactly tell him that I was half naked! "Just wait one minute!" I hurriedly brushed my hair and got my dress on, I grabbed my staff and put on my locket and was out the door.

     "So why did I have to wait?" he asked. I had an idea to get him to shut up.

     "That is for me to know and you to never find out," I told him. "Now come on! We gotta get to the dock!" and with that I ran down the 53, yes I have counted, flights of stairs. Legolas was chasing behind me but it was sort of obvious that he had not grown up with this sort of stuff. Then again, he was over 1,000, so over 963 years older then me. Then came the question I was hoping he would never ask.

     "So how old are you?" he asked me.

     "Twenty-seven," I muttered, a little embarassed at our age difference.

     "When do you stop aging?" again with the questions.

     "Two months from now, can we please just get to the boats now?" I went on ahead of him and got to the dock a couple minutes before everyone else.

     "Suillianad, dail," (Greetings, lovely). My mother came up behind me.

     "Hello, mother," I decided to use english.

     "I can see why you like him," She said.

     "Like who?" I asked innocently.

     "Do not play dumb with me child," she warned. "The elven boy from Merkwood, I can see why you like him, but isn't he a little curious?" I rolled my eyes.

     "For your information, I do not care if he is curious but how did you-" I trailed off. "You were spying on us!" I accused her.

     "I see all, my child," there, she practically just admitted it! "Oh, and I have something for you," she held up a scabbard, which I took. I wrapped my fingers around the handle of the sword inside, it was as if it was designed for me! I pulled out the sword and did a small display to test it, it was perfectly balanced!

     "Thank you mother!" I exclaimed. Then I found a compartment in the scabbard near the handle, inside were a bunch of throwing knives! This was the best gift I had gotten since my first bow!

     "That's a nice sword," Pippin came up to me. I smiled at him, he smiled back. Then Legolas came up, and mother produced a bow from her cloak, it was one of the bows that were treasured here!

     "Is that...." I trailed off. Legolas greatlfully took it and mounted it on his back at an accesible area. Legolas smirked triumphantly at me, and I rolled my eyes.

     I saw mother whisper something in Legolas' ear that I didn't catch. Then I saw him blush! He actually blushed! I wonder what she said to him.  But I shouldn't worry abouut that, I'll ask him later. We were given cloaks with the leaves of Lothlorien as brooches. I then climbed into the boat with Legolas and Gimli. Gimli, once we had gotten going, said some mushy love stuff about my mother and parting. "What did she give you?" I asked him.

     "I asked for a hair from her head, she gave me three!" he said happily.

     "Great, a dwarf is taking liking to my mother," I sighed. Gimli, looked down, embarrassed. I heard Legolas chuckle a little bit and I looked over to him, seeing him smiling and staring at me, I was the one to look down embarrassed now. I heard Legolas mutter something under his breath but I didn't quite catch it.

     "Am I going to be a third wheel lass?" Gimli joked.

     "Not at all, numbskull," I countered, rolling my eyes. Legolas chuckled a little bit more. Then Aragorn said something and we all looked up. I couldn't help myself, I gasped. In front of us were huge statues of two of the previous kings of Gondor. Aragorn said something about his kin, but I wasn't paying attention, all I was looking at was the statues. They were beautiful, must have taken a century to make. Then we docked at a small island.

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