The Wizard's Daughter-Chapter Six-The Council

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     "What council?" I asked him.

     "It will decide the fate of the ring," He paused for what seemed like dramatic affect. "And all of Middle Earth,"



     I have to admit I was a bit nervous about the entire council thing but I got there early none of the less. Uncle Elrond had given me a cloak to conceal the fact that I was a woman for the time being. I would reveal myself when the moment seemed right.

      The council had started and all the chatter stopped when Elrond stood up. "Frodo, bring forth the ring," Frodo hesitantly stepped forward. Once the ring had been placed on the table Frodo looked like an enourmous wight had just been lifted off of his shoulders. He practically ran back to his seat and immediatley sat down. I gave him a worried look but he couldn't see that it was me from under the hood. Some man from Gondor started speaking about how we should use it when Strider spoke up.

     "You cannot wield it, none of us can," He said.

     "What would a ranger know on this matter?" The man from Gondor, who I could only assume was Boromir, put emphasis on the word ranger.

     A blonde elf stood up, he was quite handsome, but I ignored that fact. "This is no mere ranger!" he exclaimed. What is he talking about? I asked myself. "He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn, heir to the throne of Gondor,"  I had to bite my lip to keep myself from gasping. I knew I recognised him from somewhere! I met him when I was eight!

     "Aragorn?" Boromir looked dubious about him. "So this is Esildurs heir,"

     "Heir to the throne of Gondor, you owe him your allegience," I was starting to like this elf's determination.

     "Havo dad (sit down), Legolas," Aragorn said. Now I knew the elf's name, Legolas, where did I recongnise that from? I've heard that somewhere! Just where?

     "Gondor has no king," Boromir spat. "Gondor needs no king," Does this man even know the definition of respect. No, of course he doesn't.

     "He is right, we cannot wield it," dad said.

     "There is only one obtion," uncle said. "The ring must be destroyed,"

     "Then what're we waitin' for?" a dwarff with chesnut/red hair questioned as he stood up and brandished his axe. He stood up, raising it above his head, and swung at the ring. The result, was obviously not anticipated by the dwarf, for he was thrown backwards by an invisible force and his axe broke into many pieces.

     "The ring cannot be broken, Gimli, son of Gloin," Elrond said. So this is the famous Gloin's son. I thought to myself. "It must be brought deep into Mordor, it was made in the fires of Mount Doom, only there can it be destroyed, one of you must do this," As expected, everyone stayed silent for I while.

     "One does not just walk into Mordor," Boromir again, I had to bite my lips again to stop myself from groaning. "It's black gates are gaurded by more than just orcs,"

     "Did you not hear a word Lord Elrond has said?" Legolas, I almost smiled, I was starting to like him. "The ring must be destroyed!" Then everyone got into a fight about who should take the ring when Frodo stood up.

     "I will take it!" he shouted. "I will take the ring to Mordor!" Everyone went silent. "Though, I do not know the way,"

     "I will help you with that burden, as long as it is your to bear," my dad stood up. Then Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, and Boromir. Then Sam, Pippin, and Merry came running out of the bushes. This was it. I stood up, taking off my hood as I did. Everyone except Elrond, Gandalf, and Aragorn gasped at the sight of a woman at the council.

     "Frodo, you need as much help as you can get, and even though it may be a small amount, I will help you to the best of my ability," I smiled and placed a hand on his shoulder.

     "Oh come on!" Boromir groaned. "You cannot expect a woman to accompany us! She will only slow us down!"

     I went up to him, and flipped him over my shoulder. "Hey bitch," I said. "News flash, I will not slow anybody down, unless you doubt me, then you might not even continue!" I was growling.

     "Ten companions, so be it," Lord Elrond was speaking now, with Boromir still on the floor, mind you. "You shall be the fellowship of the ring,"

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