The Wizard's Daughter-Chapter Two-The One Ring

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     "What do you mean, he dissapeared?" I asked.

     "I mean he used that old ring of his to become invisible!" Dad told me. I gasped. The ring of power has been with a hobbit the entire time? Did Gandalf know? Of course he didn't! He would have brought it to Rivendall already.

     Bilbo was preparing to leave when all of a sudden he got very overprotective of the ring, saying dad wanted to take it for himself. Dad used his magic and eventually Bilbo left.

     Once he had left, dad went to touch the ring. "No! Dad! Don't!" I stopped him, but he had already seen something. "What did you see?"

     Just then Frodo came in. "Bilbo?" He called. I looked at him with sad eyes. "He left?" He sort of asked, sort of stated. "He was always talking about leaving, I just never thought that he would do it," He sighed and I pulled him into a hug to try to comfort him.

     Then Frodo picked up the ring. I winced. How could he touch it? It was beyond evil, it was beyond hatred, it was just it. I don't know how to describe it, but whenever I am near it, I feel as if I had been stabbed in the chest.

     "Jemily, stay in the shire with Frodo," Dad told me as he grabbed his hat and staff.

     "Where are you going?" I asked.

     "To find some much needed answers!" with that, he was out the door.

     "Don't worry," I told Frodo, however I'm not sure if I was reasurring myself or him or both of us. "He'll be back,"

     "Of course he'll be back," Frodo said. "I trust him,"

     We waited for about a week before dad came rushing in the door. "Dad?"

     He didn't seem himself. He grabbed Frodo and almost shouted. "Where is it? Is it safe?" Frodo nodded and brought us to the chest we had kept it in.  Gandalf threw it in the fireplace.

     "You must know that that won't destroy it!" I told him.

     "I am simply opening the envelope," He replied.

     He grabbed the ring and told Frodo to hold out his hand, which he hesitantly did. Gandalf dropped it into his hand, and we started to make preparations to go to Bree. "Get down!" Gandalf hissed, and we did.

     He stabbed his staff into the bushes and we heard a yelp of pain. Gandalf pulled out Samwise Gamgee and threw him onto the table. "Where you eavesdropping Samwise Gamgee?" He yelled.

     "I wasn't dropping no eaves sir!" Sam pleaded. "However I did hear something about a dark lord and the end of the world and quite a lot about a ring, just please don't 'urt me sir!" He begged. However I already knew that dad would send him with us on our small journey. I unconciously smirked at him. "What's she smilin' about?" He asked, scared.

     "I believe, since you already know to much, that you will be joining us," I told him.

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