The Wizard's Daughter-Chapter Thirteen-The Mirror

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     I ran to my mother, I knew where she would be. All of my childhood before I left she would go every night to the mirror. I would actually be jealous in my youth, jealous of a mirror, but hey, she gave it more attention then me. I ran to the mirror. Frodo was just leaving, he looked shaken up somehow. I nodded to him before walking down the stairs to my mother. "Man prestas de, hen?" (What troubles you, child?)  She asked me.

     "No prestas, emmel," (No troubles, mother) I replied.

     "Do not lie to me, dail," She calls me dail, which translates to lovely. I sighed.

     "It's just, there are three people, possibly four, who love me and I only have feelings for one of them, well I think, and they are all trying to comfort me and I feel awful and to add to all this dad died, well, I know I'm a horrible person but I don't want to hurt the boys more than they already have been and I know that only bad things are going to come out of this and now I'm rambling so I'll shut up now!" tears were streaming down my face by then. Mum beckoned me to come closer.

     "Look into the mirror child," She told me, I didn't ask what I would see because I trust her. I looked and saw, for a couple seconds, just my reflection, then my own reflection faded, and was replaced by my mother and father, holding a child that couldn't have been anyone but me. Then it turned to a five year old me holding my wand, then to the mines. I had to desperately try to not close my eyes, I knew where this going. I saw dad fall, then I saw something that I had no idea what it was. I saw orcs raiding Lothlorien and piling up the soldiers of Lothlorien's bodies in one big hill just to burn. Many of the soldiers were probably my friends, ,I couldn't bear to watch anymore, I closed my eyes and stepped away. "I know what you saw, child, for it haunts me always," mother said. "It is what shall happen if your quest shall fail," I stepped back further.

     "What do I do?" I asked.

     "Give the ring bearer your strength, learn that you were not made to only live and die, but to love, and fight," I sighed.

     "Yes mother," I started to walk away when she called to me.

     "Here! Take this," She handed me a necklace that pretty much went with my dress. "It will light up when you are hopeless, and guide you," I nodded. Of course, my mother was the Lady of Light, of course she would give me something light related. I then wrapped my arms around her.

     "I love you, mother," and with that, I walked back to my room. Wating for me back in my room was Legolas and Pippin, I saw Boromir leaving on my way up the stairs.

     "You've been crying again, please, let us help you," Legolas was almost pleading.

     "It's just I'm sad because my father died, and I went to comfort mother and saw some things I wish could be erased," I told them. I then sat on the bed in between them.

     "What did you see?" Pippin asked.

     "The death of some of my friends, the death of good men, widows, orphans, pretty much I saw what I've had nightmares about since I was a little child," I told them as more tears streamed down my face. Legolas pulled me into his embrace and I cried into his chest. Then Pippin hugged me from behind.

     "You know what will make you feel better?" Pippin asked.

     "Nothing," I told him.

     "How about this?" He asked, holding up a locket that had been sitting on my bedside table until now.

     "Oh my gosh!" I exclaimed, opening it. Inside was a portrait of me in the middle, then my father on the right, and mother on the left. "Pippin! You're amazing!" I gave him an enourmous hug, I was surprised I didn't squish him.

     "What's my reward?" he asked me. To answer him I gave him a kiss on the cheek. He blushed so muchh he might have been a tomato!

     "Oi! I helped him find it!" Legolas joked.

     "Fine," I sighed as I gave him a small peck on the cheek, causing him to blush a pale shade of pink. "Now go back to fellowship, I'm gonna get some sleep,"

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