The Wizard's Duaghter-Chapter Fifteen-The Urak Hai

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     When we got out to the boats Aragorn started to talk about how we should rest because we have a long road ahead of us. Then Gimli piped up about how hard it would be and how awful things would turn out. "Thank you Gimli for putting those wonderful images in my head," I joked as I sat down.

     "Where's Frodo?" Merry cause us all to turn our heads. Then I saw that Boromir had gone as well.

     "I'll find him," I said and walked off. I heard voices pretty soon so I hid behind a tree. I poked my head and saw Boromir thrashing around on the ground and I ran up to him. "Boromir! What happened?" I asked as I grabbed his arm.

     "Oh my god...." Boromir muttered. "I'm sorry! Frodo! I am sorry!" Then he turned to me. "I tried to take the ring from him!" He exclaimed, grabbing my shoulders, then he let a few tears fall and I pulled him into my embrace.

     "Shhh.... It's alright," I rubbed my hand in circles on his back and let him cry. "Please, just be your arrogant self again! I don't want to see you like this!" I squeezed tighter.

     "You want to know what I wanted for a reward all those times?" he asked. I tilted my head.

     "What?" I questioned.

     "This," and with that, he kissed me. I kissed back, hoping it would make him feel better. Then he pulled away. "Don't pity me," he told me. "I know you love Legolas, and I am happy for you, because he loves you too, now go find him, tell him how you feel," he was going to say more when he was cut off by Pippin screaming,

     "Hey! Hey! Over here!" Pippin and Merry were getting the attention of some orcs. I gasped. What were they thinking? Then I saw Frodo fun away. How courageous. I thought. Then I ran to help them fight the orcs, I recognised them as Urak Hai almost immediatley. "It's working! Hey Merry!" Pippin was getting all excited.

     "I know it's working now run!" Merry, however, was starting to panic. "Hey Jemily, how nice of you to join us!" Merry seemed to calm down a little when I came. We started to run, killing Urak Hai as we went. We were going to cross a ravine when some orcs stopped us, we were surrounded. We all got into fighting stances when Boromir came rushing in. He killed many Urak Hai and I helped him. We started to run again.

     "Stay back!" I pushed the hobbits behind me as Boromir and I fought the oncoming orcs. Then the unexpected happened. Boromir fell to his knees, with an arrow portruding from his chest. "Boromir!" I screamed, fighting my way to him. But he got up and continued to fight. He was strong, I'll say that, but sooner or later, his strength would run out. Thwap! Another arrow shot him in the lower abdomen. Yet he continued to fight. Then a third arrow pierced him, and he fell to the ground, unable to fight anymore. The orcs grabbed Pippin and Merry, and ran off. I ran to Boromir. "Don't leave me, please!" I begged.

     "I am going, I'm sorry, Jemily," he cupped my cheek in his large hand. "Look after the others for me, you bring joy to our group, now leave me, remember, I love you," this made me cry. I cried and cried. Then I gave him one last kiss, before I turned around, to find an arrow pointing right at me.

     "Shit," I muttered, then Aragorn body slammed into the Urak Hai. I didn't even know that he was there. I turned back to Boromir, knowing that Aragorn could handle himself. Soon I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Aragorn.

     "Get Legolas," Boromir told me. "I would like to speak to him and Aragorn," so I left, to find that Legolas was only a few feet away.

     "Boromir wishes to speak with you," I told him. Legolas walked towards Boromir and knelt at his side. Boromir pulled him closer and whispered something in his ear. Then he spoke to Aragorn as Legolas nodded and walked towards Gimli and me. We all stood in silence as Boromir took his las breath and Aragorn kissed his forehead. "We should give him a proper send off," I said as silent tears fell down my face. We put him in a boat with his shield behind his head and his sword in his hand. We watched and stayed silent as the boat fell off the waterfall. Aragorn said something but I was not listening, I was looking at my feet as I cried, I didn't make any noise. Then Legolas started to push a boat into the water.

     "We can catch up to Frodo and Sam by nightfall!" he then stopped as Aragorn made no move to help him. "You do not intend to follow them," Aragorn shook his head.

     "Then it has all been in vain, the fellowship has failed," Gimli, hopeless as ever.

     "Not if we hold true to each other," Aragorn said as I lifted my head up. "We will not let Pippin and Merry suffer at the hands of the Urak Hai," he put his hands on Legolas and Gimli's shoulders. "Now, let's go hunt some orc," at this I perked up. "We leave behind anything that can be spared, we travel light!" and with that, we were off. I followed behind Legolas as we ran.


Sorry this was so short, but it's the end of the book, the next book will be The Wizard's Daughter Against the Two Towers. Thank you for reading!

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