The Wizard's Daughter-Chapter Four-Not Your Average Ranger

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     It was raining and we had just reached Bree. Frodo knocked on the door. An old man opened the door and saw me standing there. "What d'ya want?" He asked.

     "My companions and I wish to enter Bree," I told him and he opened the door. It was only then that he noticed the four hobbits huddled together at my waist.

     "Hobbits, four of 'em! What'r hobbits doing in these parts?" We all looked worriedley at Frodo.

     "We require accomidation," Frodo told the man. "Our bussiness is our own,"

     "Alright, alright, I had to ask," The man innocently backed down and let us through. The hobbits were almost trampled but I told them to stay close.

     "What can I do for you Mr. uhh..." The man at the counter inquired Frodo's name once we got in.

     "Underhill, my name is Underhill," Frodo told him. We were led to our room where we dropped everything. We were sitting at a table when Merry came over with a pint.

     "What is that?" Pippin asked.

     "This, is a pint!" Merry said exitedly.

     "They come in pints?" Pippin was now as exited as Merry, maybe even more. "I'm getting one!" And with that, he was off to get a pint. Frodo seemed out of it somehow, like he was bewitched, or... oh no! The ring is taking it's toll!

     "Frodo?" I asked as I shook him. He looked up, then we heard it.

     "Baggins?" Pippin, great. "Sure I know him, he's just over there," He pointed to Frodo. Frodo ran to him shouting no when he fell. The ring fell out of his pocket and the ranger sitting in the corner who I believed was named Strider immiediately stood up. Frodo reached out to grabbed the ring but it ended up going on his finger and he turned invisible. After a minute I could see him again, but Strider was to fast, he grabbed him and took him to what I assumed was the room that he was staying in. I ran after him and took out my wand. Sam, Pippin, and Merry followed after me. Pippin and Merry were armed with frying pans and Sam was intending to beat him with his fists. We broke down the door and Aragorn immiediatley dropped Frodo when he saw my wand.

     "Gandalf's daughter!" He gasped.

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