The Wizard's Daughter-Chapter Seven-The Ball

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     There was going to be a ball that night and I have to admit I was nervous, I had never been to a ball before, but it was mandatory for all the members of the council to go. The reason I was nervous was one simple fact, no one would ever ask me to dance. However I tried to look presentable by putting on a dark blue dress and I, for once, had my hair down. My hair went in slight waves down to the middle of my back, and I thought the dress really brought out my emerald green eyes.

     *knock*knock* I heard someone at the door. "Come in!" I granted whoever it was permission to enter. Uncle Elrond came in.

     "You look absolutely stunning," He said with a proud smile on his face.

     "Doesn't mean I'm gonna dance," I told him.

     "I actually know of four people in the fellowship who might ask you to dance," Elrond smirked.


     "That is for me to know and you to find out," He lifted my chin up so I wasn't looking down at the floor anymore. "Now come on, it's time," and we were off to the ball.


     I was sitting at a table looking at all the happy people dancing when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Boromir. "May I have this dance?" he asked in a very gentlemanly way. I couldn't exactly say no, now could I?

     "Of course," I replied as he took my hand. He led me to the dance floor and I picked it up immediatley. I must say he was doing quite well. "You're doing very well," I told him.

     "I had to go to many dances back home," he told me. "However I have never had such a beautiful partner," I blushed and looked down to hide it.

     "I've never actually been to a ball before," I admitted.

     "You cannot be serious!" he exclaimed. "You mean no one has ever asked you to a ball before?"

     "Nope," Then I felt another tap on my shoulder and turned around to see Legolas.

     "May I dance with you next?" he asked.

     "You may," I told him as the song came to a stop and I pulled away from Boromir.

     "You know," Boromir said. "It is rude to interupt a conversation," Boromir did not look pleased that his partner was being taken away.

     "It's only polite," I told him. "Besides, it is custom to dance with multiple people," He sighed but walked away. Legolas grabbed my waist and we danced to the music.

     "You are quite the dancer," Legolas complemented.

     "This is actually only my second time," I told him.

     "Seriously?" Legolas raised his eyebrows. "Well then you must be a fast learner,"

     "I get that quite a lot," I giggled.

     "How so?"

     "First time I picked up a bow, it only took me three tries to hit the target," I told him and he seemed impressed.

     "So your a warrior?"

     "Not quite, I'm Gandalf's apprentice," I told him. "Also his daughter," Legolas raised an eyebrow, as if to say that he didn't believe me. "It's true! Go ask him yourself!" Then I felt yet another tap on my shoulder.

     "You wanna dance?" Pippin asked. I chuckled, but agreed none of the less. Legolas seemed to shoot a glare at Pippin but he didn't argue. "Remember when we met?" he asked. I nodded. "It feels so long ago now, back then everything seemed so..."

     "Peaceful," I finished. I spent a while talking and laughing with Pippin, he was telling me about all the times he had gotten in trouble and I laughed at each one. I then told him about how when I was six, I had gotten in trouble for hunting, even though I had caught a deer. Pippin smiled when I felt another tap on my shoulder. This better be the last one! I thought. I turned around to see the dwarf, Gimli.

     "My beautiful lady," Gimli did a sort of bow-like thing.

     "There is no need for that, Gimli," I laughed a little bit.

     "Okay then," Gimli smiled, at least I think he smiled. "I would like to know your name," He told me.

     "Jemily," I replied with a smile.

     "A beautiful name for a beautiful girl," He said.

     "Thank you, Gimli, but I really don't think that I'm beautiful," I sighed. "I'm gonna go get some fresh air," with that I walked out the door and into the night.

     I started to run into the woods. I love to run and I love the woods. When I got to a certain tree I reached inside it and felt for my bow and quiver. A-ha! There it is! I grabbed it and started firing arrows at trees, all dead on.

     "You seem to be good with a bow," Boromir came up behind me, Legolas, Pippin, and Gimli following behind.

     "What are you all doing here?" I asked.

     "We came to see if you were alright, las," Gimli said.

     "You left pretty early and we thought there might be something troubling you," Pippin butted in.

     "Thanks for the concern guys, but I'm fine, I go out and do this every night I'm in Rivendail," I informed them and went back to shooting. Suddenly my arrow was shot out of the air by another, I turned to see Legolas in a stance that suggested that he had fired the arrow. "And what was that for?" I asked.

     "That was just for fun, I needed some target practice," Legolas smirked.

     I sighed and started to run. I ran and I ran until I reached a lake. I smiled and dove in, knowing maybe Pippin would follow. Then I heard three splashes and saw Gimli left behind soaking wet. I started to swim away when someone grabbed me. "Put me down!" I couldn't help but laugh.

     "What would my reward be?" Boromir asked.

     "Me not soccer punching you in the jaw," I laughed even more when Pippin swam up to Boromir and tackled him, causing him to drop me. I waited for impact with the water but instead I felt two strong arms holding me bridal style. Legolas. "You can put me down," I giggled. I saw his cheeks turn pink as he put me down. We played in the water until it was about midnight and then we all crawled out and lay down in a circle. I started talking to them about constellations. Gimli and Boromir seemed uninterested but Pippin and Legolas were listening intently to my knowledge of the stars. Eventually I fell asleep.

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