The Wizard's Daughter-Chapter Three-Two More Members

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     We had been on the road for about a day a couple of hours before dad had left to seek council from Sauromon, whom I am not very fond of. We were walking when all of a sudden Sam just stopped, causing me to bump into him. "What's wrong?" I asked him.

     "This is it," He told us.

     I tilted my head to the side. "This is what?"

     "If I take one more step, this'll be the furthest away from home I've ever been," He looked down. It was a little bit more than obvious that he was already getting homesick.

     "Come on," Frodo smiled. He took Sam by the hand and led the way. We then entered a cornfield and Frodo had gone a little ahead.

     Sam was getting worried so he started to shout Frodo's name. "What is it Sam?" Frodo came running back into view.

     "I thought I'd lost you!" Sam exclaimed.

     "What are you talking about?" Frodo questioned.

     "It's just something Gandalf said," He looked down. "Don't you lose 'im Samwise Gamgee! And I don't mean to," I was touched by Sam's loyalty and then we heard rustling in the corn next to us.

     Suddenly Merry came out of the corn and slammed right into Frodo! A couple seconds later Pippin came out and slammed right into me! "Hey look Merry!" He exclaimed. "It's that pretty girl we swam with yesterday!"

     "And here's Frodo! Frodo Baggins!" Merry told him. Then we heard dogs barking.

     "You've been into farmer Maggot's crop!" Sam almost shouted.

     "Do you want to get caught?" I snapped at him. "Keep your voice down!" Pippin and Merry handed me and Sam the carrots and other vegatables that they had stolen and we started to run while Pippin listed what they had stolen. Merry than shouted that the old farmer was clearly over-reacting. I laughed and wasn't paying attention to where I was going so we all fell down a very steep hill.

     "The mushrooms!" Pippin exclaimed and then went over to a patch of mushrooms with Sam and Merry and they started shoving them into a bag.

     "Get off the road!" Frodo shouted. Now that he said something, I could feel a dark and evil presence.

     "Quickly!" I shoved them to a cranny under a tree and I concealed myself with magic. I turned completely green and went under the ferns.

     We saw a rider cloaked in black and I immiediately recognized him as a ring wraith. I had never before felt such a dark presence. He looked around and went away when Pippin threw the bag of mushrooms and it made a *thump* as the black rider went away. We then ran and got on the Huckleberry Ferry and were on our way to Bree.

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