The Wizard's Daughter-Chapter Eight-The Beginning of the Journey

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     "The fellowship awaits the ring bearer," Dad said to Frodo, who was taking one last look at the magnificence of Rivendail. I was doing that as well, but I was mainly thinking about last night, I had woken up in my bed when I remember falling asleep next to the lake. Considering how Boromir seemed so sheepish around me now, I could only assume that it was him who carried me to my room. I was glad they didn't try to change me into a nightgown, that would've been extremely embarrassing and I knew that if that had happened none of them would ever look me in the eyes again. Anyways, Frodo looked away from Rivendail and we were off.

     "How'd you sleep?" Pippin asked me.

     "Fine, thanks," I replied. He beamed at me and we started to talk.

     "How come you like to get in trouble?" He asked me.


     "You have a knack for doing things that are bound to get you in trouble but you do them anyways," He told.

     "Hmm... I guess I've never thought about it before," I pondered this for a moment. "Probably because I love to have fun and those things are usually fun," I replied truthfully.

     "You are amazing!" He exclaimed.

     "Why thank you Pip," I thought about ruffling his hair but then something in my mind advised against it.

     "Well at least some of us have nicknames! What's mine?" Gimli joked.

     "Hm... How about... Numbskull," I joked back. Legolas and Boromir chuckled and Pippin couldn't contain his laughter.

     "You are definetely an elf!" Gimli grumbled.

     "What's that supposed to mean?" It sounded as if he had just insulted elves. "Is there something wrong with being an elf?" Gimli now looked a little worried.

     "No! I was just thinking you would've been a much better dwarf!" Gimli apparently wasn't very good at explaining things.

     "And why is that?" I asked.

     "Um..." Gimli looked away with what I think was a rosy pink on his cheeks.

     "I think he is attracted to you," Legolas whispered so only people with elf ears could hear, apparently Pippin also had good hearing because he apparently heard.

     "Aye, he was talking about it last night at the ball!" Pippin told me.

     "Was he now?" I looked over at the dwarf. "Well maybe he should know that is actually hard for me to actually feel attracted to anyone," I told them. It felt as if I was reasuring myself more than I was informing them. The truth was I was starting to have feelings for the other elf in our company. He was just so handsome, so kind, so... amazing! But I was probably just another play toy for him, the only one I have even a small chance with is maybe Boromir, but who am I kidding, I wasn't made to love. I was made to protect Middle Earth and be killed along the way somewhere, I couldn't form feelings for anyone, all I would do is hurt them.

     "Jemily?" Legolas shook my shoulder slightly.

     "What?" I broke out of my thinking trance.

     "You were just staring into space, did you see something?" Legolas asked.

     "No, sorry, I was just thinking," I shook my head of the thoughts. I continued walking with them all and we stayed silent until Pippin piped up.

     "Not even someone who has feelings for you then?" he asked. I tilted my head to the side in confusion then almost facepalmed because I had totally forgotten about what we were talking about before.

     "There is a small possibility," I smiled at him and he looked away. "Anyways, I just heard Merry complain about his feet, how are you doing Pip?" I asked trying to change the  subject.

     "Now that you mention it they are quite tired," Pippin replied.

     "Dad!" I shouted up to the front of the line, causing him to turn around. "The hobbit's feet are apparently complaining, why don't we stop by that rock formation!" He nodded and Sam placed his bags down to start cooking.

     I was moving rocks into different shapes with my magic and Boromir was teaching Merry and Pippin how to use a sword. Aragorn was watching and shouting out tips when I heard Pippin yelp in pain. I stood up and rushed over, only to see Boromir being tackled by two hobbits. "That's enough gentlemen," Aragorn stood up, only to get kicked in the shins by the same hobbits.

     "Boys are so weird sometimes," I whispered, but to late, they had heard me. Now they were running towards me, but I was a bit to fast and ran away, only to get cornered by Boromir. "Traitor!" I shouted. "I thought you were on my team!" With that he slung me over his shoulder. "Put me down!"

     "Will I get a better reward then I did last time I dropped you?" he inquired.

     "If you drop me I will soccer punch you, If you put me down you won't get soccer punched," I reasoned. He shook his head, not convinced. I then spotted Legolas watching. "Legolas!" I shouted at him. "A little help here!? PLEASE??" He shook his head and came over, tripping Boromir and catching me. "Once again, do I have to reason with someone to put me down?" I raised my eyebrows.

     "Put my daughter down, Legolas!" Gandalf laughed. With that, Legolas put me down on a rock when we spotted a black spot moving fast against the wind.

     "Cerebain from Dunland!" Legolas shouted to Aragorn.

     "HIDE!" Aragorn shouted. We all dove for little knooks and crannys and bushes. I myself hid under a rock and Legolas slid under as well, not knowing I was there. We ended up really close to each other waiting for the all clear.

     Once we got the all clear Gandalf told us that they were spies from Saruman and we were to take the path of Calabros.

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