The Wizard's Daughter-Chapter Eleven-The Balrog

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     "Quick! Behind Gandalf!" Aragorn shouted at the hobbits, who had all drawn their swords. I got out my knives. They had white handles and were sort of close to the length of a short sword but not quite. I prepared to fight, this would be my first actual battle. The door was baracaded but there were already holes in the door. Legolas and Aragorn shot through the holes, however, and heard the satisfying screech of pain coming from an orc. Suddenly the door was brought down, and the battle had begun. I counted how many orcs I had brought down, I was on 15 when the cave troll came in. It waved it's chain at me but I ducked and dove under it's legs. It smelled awfully unpleasant but I had to do what I had to do. Then it started to swing it's chain at Legolas. Eventually Legolas outsmarted the troll and it's chain came wrapping around a pillar. Legolas ran up the chain and onto the trolls back, he fired an arrow into it's head, but that only seemed to aggravate it even more. It threw Legolas off of him and went for the hobbits. I ran towards the hobbits, still counting how many orcs. 20, 21, 22, I was on 22 when I reached the hobbits.

     "I think I'm getting the hang of this!" Sam exclaimed as he slammed his frying pan against a orc's face.

     "Good job Sam!" I shouted over my shoulder as I ran to the troll. Then I saw it. I dreaded seeing it. The troll had stabbed Frodo. "NO!!!" I screamed as I ran to the troll. I stabbed it's stomach as Legolas shot it's brain, right through the mouth. It stumbled about, seemingly confused as to why it was dying, then it fell to the ground, dead. I ran to Frodo. "Frodo!" I flipped him over so we could see his face. He was breathing!

     "It's alright, I'm not hurt," He said looking around.

     "You should be dead!" Aragorn exclaimed. "That spear would've squered a wild boar!"

     "I think that there is more to this young hobbit than that which meets the eye!" Gimli said. Sure enough, Frodo lifted his shirt and showed us something that was worth thousands, of course I wasn't thinking about how much it costs, I was thinking about Frodo's safety. He showed us a vest made of mithril.

     "Mithril!" I muttered. Then we heard the scurrying of thousands of little feet, more orcs were coming.

     "We must keep moving!" Legolas exclaimed.

     "RUN!!" dad shouted. We started to do exactly that. Orcs were pouring out of every single crack and crevice like insects, it was disgusting. Suddenly we were surrounded. We were back to back in a circle. Legolas was on my left and Boromir was on  my left, the hobbits were in the middle of the circle. The orcs cackled at the obvious fear in our eyes. Suddenly there was a loud roar and the orcs fled, leaving us alone. Wait... were we alone? No, there was a light at the end of the hall.

     "What is this new devilry?" Boromir looked to father.

     "It is a balrog, it is beyond all of you, run!" Dad informed and commanded. We ran into an enourmess hall with many staircases. Boromir almost fell off the edge but Legolas pulled him back. I helped them both up and we kept running. "Aragorn! Get them out!" Gandalf told him. We kept running until we came to a gap in the stairwell. Legolas jumped first, then dad.

      I was about to jump when Boromir grabbed onto me. "If you dare-" To late, he had already thrown me. Legolas caught me in his arms and I sent Boromir a glare, but he had already jumped with Pippin and Merry. "Never. Throw. Me. Again," I told him. He just gave me a smile, I turned back to Aragorn, Frodo, Gimli and Sam. I caught Sam in my arms and put him down gently. Next Gimli was going to be thrown, but he stopped Aragorn. Saying that nobody tosses a dwarf. He jumped and wasn't going to make it when Legolas grabbed him by the beard and pulled him back. I would've laughed if it weren't for the situation we were in. Aragorn grabbed onto Frodo next, but more of the stairwell crumbled away and their piece started to rock back and forth. Aragorn instructed Frodo to lean forward and the piece started to come towards us. It slammed into the stairwell and they quickly jumped off. We continued to run.

      We had reached the bridge of Kazad-Dum and were crossing when all of a sudden dad stopped and turned. He said something to the balrog that I couldn't hear but then he shouted, while bring his staff and sword up above him, he shouted. "YOU. SHALL NOT. PASS!!!!" And he slammed his staff against the bridge. The balrog took another step and the bridge crumbled against his weight. The balrog fell and dad turned around to start walking, when he was grabbed by a whip and brought down with the beast.

     "DAD!!" I screamed, starting to run to him, but Legolas held me back.

     Before he fell, he whispered something, it sounded like "Fly, you fools,"

     "NOOO!" Frodo yelled. But we were both being pulled out.

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