3 days 2 hours and 23 minutes

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Mia's pov:

My story starts in a closet, a dark closet where I did not choose to be and were I wish I didn't have to be but as I have heard a million times "we do not chose where we go in life"

I have never understood that nor do I agree with it, but that is my dads motto and what ever my dad says goes. That is how I have lived my entire life my dad tells me what to do and I do it I have learnt from a very young age to not disobey him but obviously I didn't learn well enough because other wise I would not be locked in a closet.

I have been in here for 3 days 2 hours 23 minutes and counting. I doubt anyone would have noticed though I barely ever turn up at school and my dad is my only family. I was suddenly knocked out of my thoughts by the sound of approaching footsteps. I felt my back hit the end of the closet I hadn't even noticed I had moved my breath picked up and my hands started to shake I could hear the sound of the lock slowly clicking as he undid it, the door opened and his scared hands grabbed me under the arms lifting me up.

My dad then shoved me against the wall pushing his body against mine his tong already down my throat and I could taste the alcohol rolling of it I tried to push him off me knowing it was know use I would like to say it was because he was drunk that made him do this but unlike you I knew better because unlike you I lived with him.
A/N - please comment and vote it does get better!

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