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Mia's POV :

I woke up as the plane started to descend I pushed my face further into my pillow in the hope of falling back to sleep in the hope of escaping for a bit longer but it turns out my 'pillow' wasn't actually a pillow but one of the boys my breath caught in my throat as I realised which one it was but instead of running I relaxed my body further into him, he had protected me last night and I don't see any reason for him to turn on me now.

"Mia?" he whispered he had obviously heard me wake up.
"Yea?" I mumbled back
"How are you" he asked still whispering
"Tierd" I admitted, there was no point in lying it was pretty obvious.
"Do you want to go back to sleep? we'll be landing soon but harry can just carry you to the car?" I shook my head
"I don't want to sleep"
"But baby girl you said you were tired?" he whispered
"I'm to scared" I confessed
"Scared of what baby girl?" that nic name was getting on my nerves....
"Scared of the nightmares" at that he held me closer to him and whispered in my ear
"Ill protect you...... I promise" I looked up at him and stared into his beautiful brown eyes.
"You promise?" I questioned unsure if I had heard him correctly
"I promise" he replied and as he said this he stared back into my eyes and I new I could trust him.
"I believe you" I mumbled before sleep began to overtake me, but just as my eyes were closing I thought I heard him whisper back.
"And I love you" but then everything went dark.

Zayns POV :

"I believe you" she had mumbled before sleep had consumed her
"And I love you" I had whispered knowing she couldn't have heard me.

As the plane landed her delicate body shook in my arms but I held on to her tightly protecting her from every bump on the Tarmac.

The seatbelt light flashed off and I unclipped it still holding her in my arms and carried her out to the other room where harry quickly took her from me and cradled her in his own pushing a few stray hairs out of her closed eyes and starring down lovingly into her empty face I looked away, it was so difficult to see someone you loved slipping away with someone who was never supposed to meet them. I quickly stepped of the plane and strode towards the car hopping into the empty passenger seat, resting my head back and closing my eyes for a brief minute before everyone else joined me.

Our hotel was fifteen minutes drive away and all the way I was refraining from grabbing Mia out of Harry's arms. She still hadn't woken up but I was glad. She had looked extremely tierd and she would most likely be stressed out from everything that has been happening.

A/N - sorry I took so long to update x

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