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A/N-sorry I took so long to update I made this chapter really long I hope you like it xx

Harry's POV :

We reached the hotel and I delicately pulled Mia closer to my chest the cameras flashing outside our limo that had once scared me were nothing, I just hoped she didn't wake up or else she would be terrified.

As I stepped out the car the other boys created a shield around me with their body's protecting her from the paparazzi. Just as we were about to step into the hotel I heard one of them ask who the girl was (meaning Mia).... That was when I ran clutching her as gently but protectively as I could shouldering people aside as I reached the safety of the hotel, I waited in the elevator for the boys and a few security guards to enter before it took us up the nine floors to the penthouse.

We stepped out of the elevator to find two rooms I was sharing one with Mia and Louis while Zayn, Niall and Liam all had the other room as I walked into the room my breath caught in my throat..... it was beautiful breath takingly so, I still wasn't used to all this money and it shocked me every time.

I carried Mia to my room which I just so happened to be sharing with her. I tucked her into one of the queen beds pulling the covers up to her chin.

She looked so peaceful when she was sleeping like nothing had ever happened to her.... but of corse something had and I was one of those 'things' that had hurt her. I stood up and began to leave our room.

She suddenly started shifting in her sleep her eyes flashing open and looking straight at me.
"Zayn??" she questioned
"Zayn please don't leave me" she pleaded before falling back to sleep. My heart broke as I made my way back to her delicate body I climbed in next to her wrapping my arms around her waist pulling her into me.
"I will never leave you" I promised as I buried my face into her sleeping neck inhailing her intoxicating sent before falling asleep to.

Mia's POV:

I woke up with strong arms wrapped around my waist I froze for a second before remembering Zayn had stayed last night I opened my eyes expecting them to be met by his beautiful brown ones only to be met with some very different green ones.
"Zayn?" I questioned
"Nope" someone replied popping the p
I rubbed my eyes and realised I was looking back at Harry's green eyes.

I jumped back nearly falling off the bed, if harry hadn't caught me I would have ended up on the floor. Harry pulled be back towards him and wrapped his arms back around my waist.
"Is there a problem?" he murmured I looked up at his face which was smiling down at me.
"Nope" I mimicked, his eyes grew wide and his smile grew, he looked so funny I began laughing and his face saddened
"What's wrong?" he whispered taken back
"N...n...nothing" I giggled
"Your face...... gasp......was.....gasp.... was priceless" his face brightened at that and a mischievous glint entered his eyes and I shrunk back as he launched at me and began to tickle me and let me tell you...... I am a very ticklish person I began to laugh again and tried to shove him away but it didn't work tears rolled down my cheeks from laughing so much. harry instantly stopped.
"Mia?.... love what's wrong" he whispered wiping the tears away from under my eyes I giggled again
"Nothing" he frowned and sat up pulling me up with him and lifting me up into his arms.
"Where are we going?" I groaned harry laughed
"To get you some breakfast" I froze

Harry's POV :

"Where are we going?" she groaned causing me to laugh
"to get you breakfast" I had expected her to smile but instead she froze

"Mia?" I whispered
"What's wrong?"
"N.... n...... nothing.... I guess I'm just not hungry" she smiled at the end but her stomach gave her away and let out a loud rawr, she blushed
"That's um.... nothing?" she questioned
"I'm seriously not hungry" I didn't believe her one bit.
"Well how about we get some food into you anyway aye? you've got a big day ahead if you" I said with a wink.

As I said that her body began to shake and she began to struggle out of my arms.
"W...What do u m....mean?" she stuttered, realisation suddenly dawned on my and my eyes widened
"Oh my god Mia not like that I'm do sorry!" I gushed she seemed to believe me but was still cautious.

"Harry?" she questioned I looked back at her and my eyes softened.
"Yes Baby girl?" I whispered
"What do you guys want with me?" tears slipped from her eyes and down her face.

I gripped her body in my arms and swiftly walked into the kitchen resting Mia gently down on the bench.
"Harry?" she whispered
"Why am I here?" I turned to face her my eyes softening.
A/N- thank you so much for reading! Ilysm please vote and comment xx

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