New bruises and old scars

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I woke up to pain in my wrists and the upper of my legs.... you know that .area..... My long black hair was knotty and my skinny body was black and blue with bruising, I tried to get up but yelp as the pain shot back to my writs, I look up at them to see they have been tied to the head board.

Of course it all makes sense now, silent tears trickle down my face he had taken advantage of me again because he knew there was nothing I could do about it. I look to my left and sure enough there lying next to me was the 6ft body of my dad I sigh in disgust.

but what could I do? I was 16 and 5ft 4 i weighed 45kg had no extended family and no friends if I rang the police they wouldn't believe me or my dad would deny it there was nothing I could do I was completely hopeless.

I had obviously fallen back to sleep because next thing I new i was getting pushed of the bed, and yes my hands were still tied to the head board, I screamed as I felt one of them snap
"Get up you slut!" a voice shouted in my ear. I quickly shot up my wrist protesting the whole time but I had no other choice who new what he was capable of?
"Get ready your going to school" he screamed again

I mumbled under my breath but was secretly glad I would do anything to get away from this house right now.

I quickly through on some jeans a hoodie and some old sneakers. Just as I was about to leave my dad grabbed me by the back of my neck pulling me backwards
"Don't try anything clever missy" he snared. he then proceed to shove me out the door I screamed a bit as my broken wrist hit the doorframe but ran out the gate before he could do anything more. His words ran through my head again and again he was just playing with me he knew there was nothing I could do he had members of his gang spotted on every street that lead up to my school.

As I passed through the gates no one looked at me in fact I don't think anyone actually noticed me until I was standing in front of my maths class period 1 looking for a seat I found one at the back right hand corner next to a girl I didn't recognise. she must be new I thought to myself.

Period 6 finished and the bell rang signalising the end of school, I began the 30 minute walk home kicking stones as I went trying to take as long as possible, but after only 10 minutes I noticed a van slowly following me I speed up hoping to lose it hoping that my over cautious mind was just being, well over cautious but of corse as always it wasn't , and just as I began to step into the alleyway that linked up to my house I felt a cool hand clamp over my mouth.

I tried kicking and screaming but of course it was no use I was to little and too week and my broken wrist did nothing to help me, I looked around hoping to catch site of one of my dads gang members but there was none around I relaxed my body giving in hopelessly there was nothing I could do and there was no point tiering our my already tired body. The strong hands pulled me into a truck and laid me roughly on the ground I groaned in pain, and was surprised when I heard a voice asking if I was ok but when another replied "what do u care" i knew there was false hope for me and that my kidnappers were actually kidnappers and weren't going to help me there was a shard pain on my head and everything went black.
A/N - it does get better....sorry.

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