An open book

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Harry's POV :

"Where is she niall?!" I yelled at him, he had come in with blood shot eyes and tears drying on his face.
"W..With Zayn" he mumbled
"What!" I yelled again
"didn't I tell you to keep him away from her!" I stood up and started towards the door but Niall was already standing in front of it his face to me
"Just let her sleep she's had a tough day, she'll be ok with Zayn alright?" I wasn't convinced I had given this Irish freak another chance and he had completely abused it i shook my head.
"Just let me through Niall" his face fell but he moved to the side. I quickly opened the door and entered the room where I hoped my Mia would be.

As I stepped through the door I instantly saw her curled up in Zayns lap her seemingly peaceful sleep getting interrupted occasionally by her muffled cries I was just about to stride up to them and take her from Zayns arms when I saw his face his normally mysterious and closed face was open like a book a book that was easy to read a book that said that the girl in his arms was the one he loved and no matter how jealous I was of him at that moment I couldn't bring it to myself to have him close up again. I cleared my throat causing a surprised Zayn to look up.
"Well be landing soon" was all I said then I left the room with a heavy heart.

Zayns POV:

I had expected him to snatch my angle out of my arms to yell at me to hit me but what I hadn't expected was to see his sad forgiving face and his words that told me I could hold her for a bit longer. I knew though that as soon as the plane touched the ground he would take her of me again but as I looked down at her delicate beautiful face it didn't matter it didn't matter that harry wanted her it didn't matter that when we landed he would get to hold her again it didn't matter because I knew that I loved her and that in this moment she was mine.
A/N - do you ship Zya or Miry?

One direction kidnapped me!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant