Collar bones

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Mia's POV :

I woke up to a throbbing in my head and I opened my eyes slowly hopping no one was looking my way, and finally something went as panned and no one was, I sighed in relief but that relief was short lived as Niall's head popped around my chair a smirk appearing on his lips as he noticed i was awake he proceeded to stand up and came to sit in the empty seat next to me. I looked away and took in my surroundings and quickly realised that we were on a plane..... shit! I thought I was supposed to go home.

I stood up as fast as I could thankful i didn't have a seatbelt on, I didn't know where I was going to go but I couldn't stand another second alone with Niall. As I took my first step I realised my feet were tied together but it was to late I was already falling I tried to stick my hands out but the were tied together to. I closed my eyes waiting for the impact, but it never came instead strong hands were around my hips lifting me up and resting me on what I think was there lap. I turned to face them and screamed realising it was Niall.
"LET GO OF ME!" I screamed but before I could continue ranting his soft hand was placed roughly over my mouth.
"Shhhh babe they'll hear you" Niall whispered in my ear, I tried to shake his hand of but he wouldn't budge, I could feel his lips pressing into my neck and along my collar bone I couldn't take it and I began struggling again that's when I heard the door open and Zayn stepped in I didn't know what to do the two boys that had made my kidnapping worse were both in the same room as me I began to sob and that's when Zayn noticed us his face growing angry when he saw Niall, who was still completely oblivious to his presence.

Zayn's POV:

I was going to check on Mia she should be up anytime soon and just as I stepped into the other compartment of our plane I heard a faint sob my head shot up into the direction it had come from, anger burned inside me as I saw her tied up crying.

Niall had her perched on his lap and was kissing her, completely unaware that I had just entered the room. I looked back at Mia to see her frightened eyes on mine begging me to help her.... and in that moment I realised that I did in fact love her i hadn't known her for long and with all the lies harry had been feeding her I knew it would be difficult to convince her other wise but I had to try.

I strode over to them and scooped Mia up in my arms hugging her to my chest Niall's eyes shot up and he glared at me.
"What are you doing!" he yelled at me
"No Niall what are you doing! I don't know who you are anymore the old Niall has gone and has now been replaced with a monster! I'm disgusted with you!" tears began to slip from his eyes and gently flow down his baby looking face.
"I....i didn't mean it's not my fault" he whimpered
"How do you not mean to Niall!" I screamed
"I know you raped her! did you not mean to do that either? was that not your fault?" Mia berried her face into my chest gripping my shirt for dear life I could feel her tears soaking my shirt and it toor my heart in half to see her in this much pain. Niall began to reach out to her and I stepped back still holding her protectively in my arms.
"Just let me say sorry" Niall whispered
"I think you've done enough already, just go ok, but I think it's best we don't tell harry about this" Niall nodded his head slowly and walked out of the room dragging his feet.

I looked down at Mia and my heart broke a little bit more, i noticed things I had never noticed before because I had never looked at her so closely I noticed that she had little scars over her collar bones and jaw line I noticed that her cheek bones where more prominent than they should be, it looked like she hadn't eaten in months I noticed that her long black hair was limp not soft and silky how it had seemed in her youtube video and last of all I noticed how her once glimmering brown eyes looked sad and dead like she no longer cared anymore like she had always held a speck of hope but now it was gone now she didn't have anything to live for, but I will show her that she does I will show her the life she has always deserved I will show her what it's like to live life at its fullest to not care what others thought of you as long as someone was always there to catch you if you fell and that person was going to be me.
A/N - I hope you like it. Please vote and comment x

One direction kidnapped me!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora