How to save a life

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A/N - as promised someone else's POV hope u enjoy xx P.S - play the song how to save a life by the fray xx

Zayns POV:

I just stood there watching, there was nothing i could do to help her, other wise the boys would get suspicious but watching them as they bet up the most beautiful girl I had ever layed eyes on was one of the most painful experiences of my life.

You see I had found Mia on youtube no more than a month ago I had been scanning through music when I came along the most beautiful and interesting girl on this earth I clicked on the video and watched twenty minutes of her pouring her heart out to the camera she told us everything she had been through in one day from the way her father had abused her to him locking her in a cold dark closet. I was about to close my computer but then she started to sing captivating me making me watch her as she let all her emotions out through one song in fact she had chosen my favourite song How to Save a Life

Step one you say we need to talk, he walks you say sit down its just a talk . smiled politely back at you you stare politely right on through. Some sort of window to your right as he goes left and you stay right. Between the lines of fear and blame you begin to wonder why you came.

Her voice had hit all the right notes perfectly and silent tears had trickled down her cheeks. This song had meant a lot to her but now she couldn't listen to it and it was all the boys fault. I think that the thing that had attracted me to Mia most was the fact that we were so alike I didn't get abused but we both know what it's like to have
insecurity's, to be scared, to face depression.

I got snapped back to reality by harry calling me over he was telling me to join in to 'live a little' you see he didn't know that I already knew who Mia was it was just an unfortunate coincidence and Mia didn't know that she had seen Harry once before on her way home from school she had bumped into him she had looked right into his eyes when she had apologised to him and then continued on her way, I think Harry had liked the fact that she didn't know who he the famous Harry Styles was and he had got curious, you see Harry is used to getting what he wants and in this case he wanted her.

He called out to me again and this time I was forced to walk over. I couldn't do this I couldn't bring myself to hurt her. But I had to, I looked down into her angelic face hating myself for what I was going to do next, I then did the only thing I thought would help her. I kicked her in the temples nocking her out and silencing her screams I had to do it I had to stop the boys and stop her feeling this pain even if it was for just a short amount of time I had to help her.

Harry shot me a glare then picked her up in his arms carrying her back up stairs and into what I could only imagine would be his room. I was terrified of what he would do to her but I had done the only thing I could...

Harry's POV:

I felt bad I had lost my temper again, but she had argued back at me and I thought I could control her into being mine I guess I was wrong and maybe it was time to try another technique. But when Zayn had kicked her in the head I realised he was trying to help her and that wasn't his job to do that was mine, and so far I wasn't doing a great job.

I scooped her up in my arms bringing her head to my chest and began walking upstairs. She was so light and so delicate so easy to hurt and I had most likely just damaged her beyond repair, I don't know what ill tell her when she wakes up if she's scared of me ill never get her. A plan formed in my head and I smirked at how clever it was.

When we got to my room a laid her gently on my bed and weighted next to her for her to wake up.

A/N- so what do you think? is harry good or bad? and what's his plan?

One direction kidnapped me!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt