"Whats your name love?"

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I woke up yet again and instantly panicked I wasn't in my bed I wasn't at home and I certainly wasn't at school but that wasn't what scared me most not by far what scared me most was the thought of what my dad would do to me when I escaped when I went back 'home' would I ever go back I mean if I had a chance to run away forever would I?

I was so incased in my own thoughts that I didn't notice the approaching footsteps of five young men until they were standing at the end of my bed, yes I was on a bed. I stared up at them terror running through my body like a wild fire I started to shake and edged backwards until my back hit the headboard, that was when the boy with the curly hair started speaking "hello my names harry and you are" he asked cheerfully, I decided to ignore him "what's your name love" he said sitting down beside me. Again I ignored him. That was when he blew it he grabbed me by my hair pulling me off my feet and slamming me into the wall I grabbed his arm pulling myself up so that my hole body wasn't resting on my hair "what's your name love" he said again smirking at my pained expression
"Mia" I stammered out
"Mia who?" he smirked he was obviously enjoying this
"Seth..... Mia Seth" I stuttered
"Now that wasn't too hard was it" he questioned his smirk growing wider as he taunted me. I shook my head quickly years of my dads need of quick replies finally paying off. I suddenly gasped as he let go of me and dropped my delicate body to the ground in a heap I whimpered I'm pain as I landed on my broken wrist.
"Harry!" The one with the quiff said
"Was that really nessasary?"
"Yes zayn" harry replied
"It was, the sooner she learns who's boss the better" and with that he left the room.

The one with the quiff zayn I'm guessing? as that is what harry called him flicked me an apologetic smile then left the room to. I was left huddled awkwardly on the ground with my three other kidnappers staring silently down at me,
"What do u want!" I stammered out this caused them all to laugh
"What's so funny!" I cried
The blond one belt down in front of me putting his soft hands under my chin forcing me to look up at him
"What do we want?" he mimicked me still laughing
"Babe we want you" he said with an evil grin. I shrunk back further into the wall. And watched as the boy needling in front of me began to grin
"Niall!" the two other boys said from behind him causing him to spin around
"Well leave you to it" they said with a wink.

I could feel my stomach rising this was wrong this wasn't fair why was always me! he grinned down at me and I looked away. Immediately two strong arms wrapped around my middle I could feel my body being hoisted from the ground but only for a second because the next moment I was getting thrown onto the bed. I tried to get up but Niall was almost instantly on top of me straddling my hips "Mia Seth" he whispered in my ear "your so cute" then his lips where on mine and I was to weak to do anything, his hands roamed freely over my body stopping when they came behind my back unclipping my bra and pulling it off, I closed my eyes I didn't want to see this. I could feel him pulling of my clothes and then his, and soon enough his lips where back on mine his bare chest pushed to mine and I knew this would be a long night.

A/N- so what do u think so far? and I'm so sorry that the boys are like this I honestly love them to bits but this story just came out of me. I know they are nothing like this. Please keep reading it does get better!

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