Everythings going to be ok

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Mia's POV :

"Please wake up!" something screamed in my ear. I groaned and rolled over surprised ywhen my face landed in something thick and sticky I curiously opened my eyes and was shocked to find that I was lying in blood. I sat up quickly, what the hell had happened to me!?
"Omg Mia are you ok? talk to me!" the voice continued. A wave of nausea suddenly overpowered me and I started to dry reach my empty stomach, groaning in pain. I leaned into the body next to me I could feel it hesitate for a second before raping its strong arms around me picking me up and carrying me to the sink.

I heard the tap turn on and winced as the mysterious person gently held my arm under water.
"It's ok Mia everything's going to be ok they whispered in my ear" I snuggled my head further into their chest craving there warmth and homely smell.

Harry's POV :

"It's ok Mia everything is going to be ok" I had whispered in her ear.

That was a lie though nothing was going to be alright she had just self harmed right under our noses and no one had tried to stop her. Louis would be furious I shivered at the thought of what he might do to her.... I couldn't help but blame myself for this though it was because of me that she was here, it was because if me that Niall had raped her and it was because of me that she was alone at this time. I deserved every bad thing that happened to me but this girl, this sweet and innocent girl deserved none of it, she deserved to live a life, heck she deserved to have a life, she deserved to grow old, she deserved a loving husband she deserved someone better than me, but I wanted her and she was going to be mine in the end whether she wanted it or not.

I held her in my arms selfishly for awhile longer she was snuggled up to my chest and even though I wished she did I knew she didn't know who was helping her she was just craving a bit of love and at that moment I was the one here for her, but as soon as she came to her senses I knew she would freak.....

And I was right she did.

Mia's POV:

I snuggled deeper into my saviours chest cherishing every moment of it, i didn't know who they were but in that moment it didn't matter because they had been there for me, a place where no one had ever been before.

I knew I had to open my eyes I knew I had to thank them but I was so comfy.... Oh well I slowly peeled my eyes open taking in my surroundings I was in a familiar bedroom... I looked up at my saviour and jumped about a metre in the air falling of the bed and scrambling back into the corner shaking from head to toe,it was harry!, What did he want from me!

I looked back at him he had stood up and was slowly walking towards me with his hands raised and a sad look on his face.... why was he sad!? he crouched right in front of me placing a hand on either side of my cheek cupping my face.
"Why did you do it?" he whispered I looked down at my wrist noticing that it had been strapped up in many bandages.
"I had to escape" a silent tear" trickled down my face.
"Escape from what Mia?" how could he be so stupid!
"From everything from life, from my dad, from the bullies, from my kidnappers.... from you and most of all from memories." His face softened slightly
"I can't help you with the bad memories" he whispered softly
"But I can help you create new ones..... good ones"
"Liar!!" I screamed adrenaline rushing through my body
"How dare you say that!" I stood up using my new found strength
"How dare you say that to me! how could I trust you! I have known you for two days and so far all you have managed to do is kidnap me, beat me and save me from a subside that you created!" His face burned red in anger
"YOUR A MONSTER!" I screamed at him. He stood up grabbing my top with him and yanking me closer to him.
"Don't you dare speak to me like that!" he spat. My body started to shake again my moment of strength was gone and I was back to my delicate and heart broken self.
"I'm trying to help you, why can't you see that!" tears started to slide down my face, and that was when he did the unexpected he leaned in, I flinched waiting for the hit to come but all I could fell were his lips against mine and it wasn't a rough kiss it was gentle and sweet, my insides fluttered I hated this! but what I hated more was the fact that I didn't hate it at all in fact I actually kind of enjoyed it.
A/N - this is now my 8th chapter! wow haha. Is harry really in love with her? Does he really want her because he cares? will Mia ever get better?

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