Old scars and new scars

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Mia's POV:

I heard screaming from downstairs but that didn't stop me. I kept running until I found the bathroom I quickly slipped inside and slid the lock. I was finally alone.

I leaned my back against the door and slowly slid down it until my bum hit the ground, I closed my eyes and started humming a tune to myself, a tune from my favourite song.. How to Save a Life

Where did I go wrong I lost a friend somewhere alone in the bitterness, and I would have stayed up with you all night had I known how to save a life....

And then the tears came and there was nothing I could do to stop them they just poured out of me as the realisation that my hole life I had been used and never truly loved no one had ever truly cared for me and no one ever would, and I realised that the reason I like that song so much is I could relate to it, like it had been written for me. You see I was my only friend and I had lost my self a long time ago and I have began to realise that the only reason I had been holding on this long was so that I could save myself, and now I know I can't.

My eyes scan the bathroom the tears had long gone I knew what I had to do I knew a way to escape, I stood up finding what I had been looking for.... a cabinet, my feet shakily took me to stand in from of it resting no more then a metre away I reached out a shaky hand and opened it smiling as I found what I was looking for. I grabbed the razor pulling it out and dismantling it so I was left with only the blade in my hand. A knock on the door distracted me slightly but not enough. I took the blade to my wrist and drew a red line across it wincing as it pierced my skin, but this was nothing compared to what I had been through. a voice interrupted me just as I was about to sketch another line into my arm.
"Mia?" it asked curiously
"It's me liam.....are you ok?" pshhh I'm not falling for that one.
"Fine..... just leave me alone!" I shouted
"Well Louis I want you to come down and make us lunch so get your ass out of there and downstairs" he yelled, obviously a bit agitated.
" I will in a minute" I yelled back, I heard him muttering but he left I sighed in relief and looked back down at my arm surprised by the amount of blood that had pooled on the bathroom floor, it didn't bother me though I have seen more blood in my life time than any person should have. I brought the blade back to my wrist smiling a bit at the relief it left behind I then pushed deeper I could feel the blood cover my arm and the room started to sway I feel to my knees falling into the pool of blood I screamed and then everything went dark.

Harry's POV:

I was in the middle of beating the life out of Niall when a scream from upstarts interrupted me I jumped of him and sprinted in the direction in had come from.... the bathroom, what had she done now! I ran to the bathroom door and tried to pull the door open finding it was locked.

"MIA!?" I yelled through the door dreading the silence I knew would answer my call I began to pound on the door hopping to get her to open it but of course it didn't work I looked down at me feet and gasped when I saw my white socks stained red, where had that come from? I wasn't bleeding?..... and then it hit me
"MIA!" I screamed at the door slamming my body into it, who new this girl could have such a big impact on me? tears started to stream down my face as I continued to slam my body into the door, is this what I get for trying to have the girl? is this what I get for wanting something?

I stumbled a bit as the door gave in, but quickly regained my balance and ran into the bathroom coming to a sudden holt when I saw the human I wanted more than anything lying in the middle of the floor as pale as a ghost and surrounded by a pool of her own blood.

A/N - is harry good or bad? will they be able to save Mia in time? will they want to?

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