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So pretty much I'll be listing some minor changes to the story of BNHA such as certain people in class 1-A being moved out and such. There will be no oc's in this, all canon characters. Here's the list of transfers, then the list of ships!

Character transfers:

Character ships:
Kirimina(Kirishima x Mina)
Kamijiro(Kaminari x Jiro)
Iidamo(Iida x Yaoyorozu)
Tokotsu(Tokoyami x Tsu)
Bakugo x Camie
Tetsudo (Tetsutetsu x Kendo)
( Deku x Uraraka)


The old class 1-A has been changed up a bit in more ways than one! Not only are there more of them but they're now second years! Wow exciting I know! Well it only gets better from there!

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