The First Class

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The students had arrived in class for the first day, missing orientation as usual. There were some minor changes to the class as 2 extra seats had been added to the back of the class. As everyone came in the old 1-A took their old seats and the 3 new students waited at the front of the classroom. Aizawa-Sensei walked into the room looking tired as usual and having a yellow sleeping bag at his hip. He placed it down and turned to face the class.


"Morning. As you all know we have three new students and you had the weekend to get to know each other. Now we start the real classes. Camie please take the 19th seat behind Deku, Tetsutetsu and Kendo please take seats at the 21st and 22nd seats behind Uraraka and Sato." Once they took their seats he continued speaking. "Alright. Now that you are second years you have more responsibility. You'll have more action in the field, be trusted with more important tasks and have more opportunities to work with different heroes." The class began to cheer as the sounds of excited teens filled the room. Aizawa closed his eyes. "Three..." The class instantly became silent. "I know this is exciting but you must remember it is an important job to be a hero. People out there are now relying on you to help them when needed. Don't take this lightly." He said as the group nodded. "Now the class rep has an announcement." He says moving to the corner and falling asleep.


He stands and walks to the front with Momo hot on his tail. Once he reaches the front he smiles and does a small robotic wave. "Hello class! The first order of business today will be..." He begins to list off the many things on the students agenda as a class. "And finally we must choose hero agencies to attend." He steps aside for Momo to speak.


"Most of us have been to a hero agency during the first year before we got our hero licenses. In this situation we are allowed to go to past hero agencies that allowed us to participate there. We will hand out the sheets now and by the end of the week please return them to either myself or Iida." Once she finished she began to pass around the papers that have 3 boxes on the front where you write what agency and it's location and a couple papers stapled to the back of all the hero agencies currently accepting student interns.


He nodded as he took the center of the room "Yes now please do not pick an agency simply because a friend is going there. Pick one where you believe you will grow and become a better hero. Hero agencies are the-" As he was about to finish the bell rang signaling lunch. Since it was orientation there were no other classes for the students to attend. "Please leave in an orderly fashion!" He waved his arms around frantically as the students began to pile out.

*In the lunchroom*


He had gathered his food and went to sit with his normal crowd. Bakugo, Sero, Kaminari, Jirou and...Mina. As he did he saw a familiar white haired boy and orange haired girl sitting alongside the group. He smiled as he sat down and said "Yo Tetsutetsu, sitting with us today?" 


"Yeah dude! I figured I might as well sit with you and Kendo is sticking with me so we wound up here!" he smiled going for a fist bump before being interrupted by a familiar, annoying, voice


"So you two have joined the rejects. How insulting to us in class 2-B. Have fun always being second!" He begins to laugh maniacally before he is on the floor, unconscious.


"You know, just because I'm in a different class it doesn't mean I can't still keep you in check." She said as the table began to laugh as she smiled and ate her food. 


"How did you go through an entire year with that jerk? And why is he so mean to us?" She asks as she began to eat her food as well.


"Probably because Minoru Mineta somehow made it into 1-A instead of him. We think that he has a few screws loose." The table began to laugh again, she was already pretty comfortable with this group by now. Now she just need to be comfortable with everyone.

*Meanwhile at Deku's table there seems to be 2 people missing*


"I wonder where Iida and Yaoyorozu are." *he mumbled to himself as the rest of his table had made their way over to his table


"Hey Deku!" She said as bubbly as usual, though today was a bit weird. Since Iida and Yaoyorozu weren't here the only other people were Tsuyu, Tokoyami, and Todoroki. Yeah they were all good friends but it felt more natural to be around Deku with them around. "Do you know where Iida and Yaoyorozu are?" She said as she sat down next to him.


"O-oh hey Uraraka!" He started to nervous laugh and rub the back of his head being startled. He regained his composure. "I'm not too sure. Maybe they stayed back on the classroom or went to the Support area? It's not like them but I'm sure they're fine."

*As lunch ended all the students returned to Heights Alliance 2-A dorm house. Deku and Uraraka thought that they would be here but turns out they weren't?! Now they're suspicious.*

Hey y'all! I hope you liked this chapter! I got big plans for this so please be patient. Thank you all who read cause ya know it helps me! I'm gonna try to make the next one just as long but I can't guarantee. SEE Y'ALL WHENEVER I DECIDE TO MOTIVATE MYSELF NEXT!


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