Reunion (primarily Kirimina)

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*It's almost the first day of the second year for the old class 1-A. They all spent the summer together...well most of them anyway. There was news that Minoru Mineta had been removed from 1-A. Most weren't as sad as some would think but he was still their classmate. They all saw it coming though. Now we arrive at the 2-A dorms a week before school starts.*

*Kirishima POV*
I was walking through the streets up to UA. 'It had been a while since I'd been here. After all the events of the first year I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if some of my classmates didn't come way! They're all determined! They've gotta be there...Shes gotta be there!' He finished his thoughts and ran up to the 2-A dorm house. As soon as he rounded the corner he was relieved. He saw all his old friends. Everyone was there...except her. He looked down, eyes closed and the large smile he always had, decreasing in size. He had to keep the smile up for everyone but where could she be?

*Ashido POV*
I was walking through the streets. 'It was a really nice day out today. I might see if anyone wants to go and get some food or something. Maybe ask for pool leisure time.' She continued to walk as she spotted a familiar red, spiky haired boy run into UA for a split second. She got excited and chased after him. 'It's gotta be right? It's gotta be him!' She continues to run after him and sees he stopped. She had wondered why he was stopped and looking down. That didn't matter right now. She decides to spook the manliest guy around. She had snuck up behind him and said. "Hey there horn buddy!"

*Kirishima POV*
He hears Mina's voice and jumps a little. "Ah?!"  He turned to see Mina standing behind him with a huge smile and giggling slightly. He smiled at her. She was just so mesmerizing. He needed to tell her how he felt this year. He waited last year because of everything but he wasn't gonna wimp out this time. "Oh hey Mina!"

*Mina POV*
She has now bursting out laughing. "I got ya good eh, Ei-Chan?" She smiled, knowing he didn't really like that name. That was her thing though. That was her cute little nickname for the man in front of her. Though he didn't sound like one just then he was still a man in her eyes. She touched his horns as he rubs the back of his head.

*Kirishima POV*
He was a little nervous and grew the faintest shade of pink across his face as she touched his 'horns'. "Come on Mina. Can't you just call me Eijiro or Kiri? Why Ei-Chan?" He asks with a smile as he gets ready to walk with Mina into the lounge room.

*Mina POV*
She chuckles a little bit. "Oh come on Ei-Chan! Ya know this is our thing! We're horn buddies"

*Kirishima POV*
He chuckles a bit too. "I guess you're right but at least not in front of everyone else? Please? It would be so not manly."

*Mina POV*
She gave a light giggle. "Fine don't worry 'Kiri' I won't use our secret nickname." She smiles her bright smile at him.

*Kirishima POV*
He smiled. She was awesome. And that smile! His heart was racing a bit as he got lost in though. He quickly realized that Mina had been staring at him. He grew a little bit of a darker shade as he coughed and held the door open for her, regaining his composure.

*Mina POV*
She smiled. "Why thank you!" Why was Kirishima that shade? Could he be sick or something? Hmmm. Dunno. Guess I'll ask him later.

That's the end of chapter 1. Sorry it was so short, school and stuff ya know, promise that the next chapter will be worthwhile and come out sooner than later. For now I guess just peace!

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