part 24

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A week later,. Time check, 7 PM.

It was time to go to the school library to study and prepare for the Dr Adams test the following week..

Students sat in groups, though  few students sat on their own doing their individual Reading.

Mandy and Ifes sat in their preferred positions, and yanked out their course materials to start reading...

They must have read for about 40 minutes when Ifes  lifted up her eyes from her Book and saw Ryan,

He looked confused like he was lost and didn't know which topic to read, and scratched his forehead severally.

She stared at him for a while before she continued reading but felt a nudge to go and help him.

At first, she wanted to ignore but abruptly felt a deeper urge to go to Ryan...

Ifes, get up from there and go and meet him."

But you know this is not funny?"

Ifes moved her gaze towards her roommate who's eyes were fixed to her book and felt like doing the same but the nudging wouldn't stop..

Mandy." Ifes called-out hoping her friend would not allow her to leave.

Mandy looked up from her book. Yes Ifes, want something?"

From Mandy's facial expression, she knew she had really distracted her.

Will You  excuse me? I will be back soon.  Ifes moved her seat backwards till she could get enough space to stand up.

Okay, don't be long". Mandy said, taking her eyes back to her book. ..

Ifes gazed at her friend whose eyes were back to her book and wondered.. Just like that? She didn't even ask where I'm going, or what I am going to do."

She concluded that this must be for a purpose after all and spun around to leave..

Nope, I won't." She walked away from her table to Ryan praying that he would not make a scene

"She got to the front of his reading table and waved her hands in the air.. Hi!", she said, sounding cherry..

He looked up and stared at her expressionlessly, she did not see the usual hate, she looked into his eyes, maybe she could get a clue of what he was feeling but he was still enigmatic.

She got nothing, nothing to use as an excuse to walk away from him, but why was she trying to walk away?
"What was he thinking of her now?

She knew he was not happy to see her but was he sad or angry?

The Jesus girl that brought him word, she separated him from his clique of friend, did seeing her just make his day go sour? She reasoned like a common third-party not wanting to reason it from the stance of the girl that might be slapped in a few seconds from now

What if he makes a scene?

Or laughs at her?

What if he calls her names?

What if? What if? What if?

These questions ran through her mind like rapids.

She started giving it a second thought if she should do what she came for or turnaround and just walk back to her seat without uttering another word,

She wanted to choose  the latter  but  kept hearing the still small voice telling her to talk to Ryan..

You look like u need some help.

The Link To Light, (Published).Where stories live. Discover now