chapter Nine - Slave world

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      Soon at sharp nine in the morning cars started to arrive, the car brought by the chosen one were melted to it's basic components and stored. Media representatives arrived at nine thirty, they were allowed to come and shoot a video but couldn't broadcast it nor leave the campus. For the next twenty four hours we worked tirelessly. Even military Force's came but couldn't harm us nor could they stop anyone else. Before leaving the next day I narrowed the shield from the whole ship to just around me. Now they could broadcast anything they wanted. As soon as the shields were retracted all the Force's surrounded me and demanded that I bring all the people back and handover the technology to them, when I refused to do so they shot a warning bullet in my direction which was vanished before it reached me.

   "Look everyone don't make me angry or anyone of my fellow friends because I they got angry no one will be spared. Attention respective media people please focus over here. I am Vasant and a human too but I don't live on Earth anymore as you are seeing this let me tell you one thing aliens do exist and they are better people than some humans. According to my calculations one lakh and one  thousand families have chosen to join my entourage from this country if anyone else wants to join us please go to the site created by us named Retribution of the warriors" with that final announcement I entered the transport ship which was now visible. As the ship rose up high towards Aron, the command ship dropped it's invisibility I could just imagine the shock on their faces.

  We stayed on Pluto for another day to supervise the earth, my declaration of returning in one year at the same date and recruiting more people was world wide, our site got famous and there was a request of joining us was increasing daily. So we created ten huge transport ships with weapons and shields just like our fleets but it's only purpose was to transfer the people. We devided all the humans equally in our fleet. And proceeded to our next destination slave world, within the four days which it took us to reach the destination our ships we're converted in many ways. We had left the main part of ships bare, except for the observation deck and command center.

    Now it had a gym, swimming pool, mess hall, gardens, etc. We were Halted and not allowed to enter the space of slave traders with the fleet inside. So as a compromise we were escorted in the galactic force ship. Soon we entered the slave trading boundaries " I would like to know who are you and what business do you have in slave universe. And why do you have a fleet, how did you manage to get those unique ships of Return of the Warriors". An officer asked us, at the mention of our groups name everyone paid attention to us that what were we going to answer "because we are the team named Return of the Warrior, " Isabella replied, "and the company named Friends paradise is our company" Aiden added. At the revelation to this news every one was looking at us with respect and adoration in their eyes. "And Why are you here my lords and queens".

 Now i was confused as were the others,  we all gave them a questioning look  to which he replied, " what you don't know that you are now said as seventh richest people in whole galaxy, and you are the first to reach the seventh in just two years, its a galactic record" " When the news was spread through the whole ship about who we were the captain came to personally greet us. "My Lords and Queens please forgive this officer's language he is just shocked to be in presence of you. My name is Vicky captain of this ship, its no is PF-3597. Please follow me to my cabin, to which trader are you referring", "anyone who is best and have a variety would be great. And my name is Lucas by the way" 

     "If i may suggest you the one and stay with you till you are returned to your fleet, will there be a problem with this setting Lord Lucas" "I am Sophia, we don't have a problem to it but i would like to know why are you calling us Lord or Queen". Before replying captain spoke with the pilot of the ship " Captain take us to the dealer named Noah and inform them about our guests even" " Queen Isabella you all dropped the prices of the ships even more and because of this each and everyone has a battle class ship with them. We  don't have to worry about pirates any more, now we can concentrate on borders more. Plus because of you all entering as a first group this terms game will be even more exciting, last but not the least you have gained the wealth so quickly that its frightening plus see to your age. If you will allow me to take a photo with you i will be honored ". We accepted but told him that while we will be departing he can take a photo then.

   We arrived soon to the planet, i was mesmerized by the view, on every building there was a sign which showed what types of aliens they were specializing in. Except one building where there was a sign which read EXOTIC it was the biggest of all buildings. As we were landing on the  building i saw a aspirian coming out on the roof heavily guarded. 

   We exited the ship with the captain through hatch, Unsaid or undecided i was in the front of every one as a captain or the head dealer in our group, "So you are the Admiral of the group sir", "we all are the Admiral's, its just that every one has its own expert field, Right now its my decision for which slaves to buy". "Oh its great to know that no one is left behind or left out in duties, its great to see the teamwork which is rarely seen nowadays. Please follow me, what would you like to do rest today and buy slaves tomorrow or vice versa". "We will buy slaves first".

    "OK, As you wish Sir. Please come this way" , we followed him through many corridors and entered a conference room. Soon we were seated on a round table. Another aspirian entered through the other door and started distributing papers. "Every rich people come to me to buy exotic slave's, i can tell which person want's which slave by knowing their background. So according to your history and some research done by my team, the type of slaves you need are very rare so you need to sign these papers. They are non disclosure papers which you have to sign, even i have to sign the paper for you, am i right mister CHOSEN ONE". We were shocked to say the least, "how did you know, we haven't told anyone about it".

   "The scanner on the door which you came through is specially designed for knowing any unusual activity or metal in a humans body". We all read the paper and signed it, the paper signed by Noah was passed and everyone signed it with their name on it. "I understand and promise you that the discussion and the trading will be kept secret till you allow me to disclose  it to others." First i would like to show you those Four species which are extinct out for everyone else but i and my ancestors have kept them alive and breeding for this moment" "Its as if you were waiting for us to come" "Yes now please fallow me".

    "Thank you"

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