Chapter Twelve-Rising of a New Trend

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      "Please continue" "according to our research and early revelation of the location plus the new rules, we have deviced a plan, but before going to that point I would like you all to be in your uniforms", " that will be after the meeting which Vasant has to go" I was so shocked and speechless that they have to shake me a lot to get my attention. "You I will get you for this one Aman and it's my promise, come on let's move". "Before you go admiral tell me two thing's, am I allowed to make more changes and can we reveal you'r identity of being a chosen one" " for the revelation of my identity it's up to parents and NO, no more changes, I warn you Aman NO MORE CHANGES I SAID". I literally shouted at him and briskly walked out of the bridge.

    We three went back to the planet and waited for their ship, as soon as their ship came we went in it for our meeting. The meeting was held at a space station where all four leaders were waiting. As soon as they saw me they knelled in front of me and said "welcome the chosen one, how may we serve you". First the pictures never do the defining properly because as soon as I saw them I forgot to breathe, they were so frightening "how did you found out about me being the chosen one" it's due to Aron's presence in your head, we all are telepathic".

      "We came here to make a deal" "we are blessed with your word, we will be at the location within five days sir" " OK that is expect able" we had a small chat over there and after the pleasantries and discussion was over we departed to our fleet. Again I dreaded to enter the bridge but had to do so, to my releaf no one was there. But my releaf was very short because one by one everyone entered the room and took their seats. " Close your mouth brother or the flies will enter" Liam teased me and everyone burst out laughing, " not you all even, please it's enough". "No it's not a joke anymore, we will speak later on but right now many guests are arriving and you are not dressed properly for meeting them, Aron please call his slave and make him get dressed, if he doesn't cooperates then shock him. You better listen and do as we ask". Soon eleven slaves entered the bridge and started dragging me, when I tried to refuse and protest I got shocked I gave in at that point.

      The dress was of red color with a print of dragon on right shoulder and the admiral insignia on the left, I couldn't focus on anything so I never saw that eleven nude Chimporian's could make a sight to see. I was forced to sit in my chair. "Aman you can start your debriefing now" I never new what to say or what not to say or who was speaking to whom. "To get Admirals attention we have to do something or there is no profit of speaking anything at all" everyone went silent for the next three hours, it was the only way which they could find. "Please Vasant this is the only solution and fun thing which we found for creating the army, yes Aman was pulling your leg at the start  but after revealing your identity a lot had changed. We cannot decide weather it is for right or wrong. If what we say is nothing to worry about then we will drop everything and go as you say".

     "OK but tell me in a normal tone please" "sure buddy see I and Aron started searching about the game which is held after every five years, first it was among themselves to see who can create the best ship, then on one such day when she fight was about to start an small enemy striked them but due to so many ships already being present we were successful in defending the planets. Soon a Galactic council was formed, and a huge army was created and that was the reason the rise of Aron was needed. That day a huge army was created and was sent to battle the next wave which was coming within the next few days, wave after wave started coming sooner fought till the last man standing. And see the luck and fortune that the last fleet standing was our fleet Retribution. But our luck was soon run out, the last wave that came destroyed the whole fleet but at great loss of their own even. Everything was destroyed except the captain of this vessel, The captain returned back with the destroyed ship totally injured. He stayed alive in the hospital for two days and described the whole tale which was recorded".

    He took a deep breath and exhaled it sharply before speaking " Rules changed as the years changed and gave this game a different point of view. They made so many changes in rules and games that no one understood the real meaning behind it". "And what is that" " people were motivated to make new inventions so they could capture a new species every five years, and sell them as slaves. The reason is great in all ways, the entry of slaves improved the lifestyle and decreased the enemy's, who were silent joined our galactic union and who opposed were marked for enslaving by games. It's was the trend till everyone was fighting in groups. But it stopped the day when everyone started fighting solo. They made many new rules to motivate the youngsters but to no avail."

     Again the same break "please go on, don't stop" " But the day you entered as a group, everyone started forming one, they saw a new hope of increasing their variety of slaves and territory, they wanted to increase the amount of players but due to no new inventions and the high rate of ships the middle class people were not able to participate, so they removed the taxes on ships. The amount of players increased even more, by seeing this their greed increased, to add fuel to their greed you entered the market and started supplying ships to Andrew at twenty five percent of money and time. To get all the contracts for himself he decreased the price to fifty percent, he pulled the whole market towards himself. This made the other ship sellers angry and started finding the source of his suppliers, they soon located the source and found that Aiden was the supplier, they started sending agents to Aiden and Chole."

      Took another breath and started "Soon there was a competition between ship sellers, and the price dropped to thirty percent, the council's greed increased and the head member came to  you for more ways". "I think that's when he declared that the limit is removed", "You are correct the groups started splitting after that, when more players started participating the more greed for territory was taking place in their hearts. that's when the prices of ships were dropped another fifteen percent. Now literally every family is taking part in this game, they don't care if their children die or live."

    "Oh my God what have we done"  "the final hammer was dropped today". "And what is that" "The revelation of your identity and the word of you buying Slaves". "How did that come out, Noah i want each and every person you have to buy or kidnap all the six species " "Do not worry we have secured them already", "how" "In exchange of your identity", "At least some good news". "Anything else" "yes"

    "Thank you" 

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