Chapter Sixteen - Deceleration of Dividation

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      " I will get the seat of second in command, did you hear that they will give me the seat of second in command, Now spill or really i will kill you". At those words Aron shot up in a defensive position and transformed his hands into two guns. At the sudden move made by Aron, Noah's whole excitement was converted into fear, "Relax Aron he wont kill me for real" "but he just said those words" "its just a phrase buddy check my brain for it" after searching my brain for a few minutes he calmed down " i am sorry Mr Aron i am just a little defensive for Aron nothing else" after apologizing  he sat down "forgive him Mr Noah and relax, what is the requirement for recognizing and registering a new species " the first thing he said was expected "first i need clones like him, and the process is after a new species is found an officer is sent with the medical team they experiment on them by taking a blood sample from the kidnapped alien, then the interrogation is conducted, many a times half the planet or some planet's in case of multiple planet's are war like and others aren't  so we separate them, the species with war like are enslaved, all in all we need blood sample an officer and a blood sample", "we have everything ready, we just have to sign the papers and fill the forms".

   "Listen if it is a joke don't do it please" " do you believe me" "yes, but" "no buts Noah no buts" then i told him everything from the day i was adopted and Aron backed me up,he believed me after hearing my story and the word of Aron, the first thing we did was my blood sample, then we filled the form with the exclusive right in Mr Noah's name. now no one can claim earth and humans except Mr Noah, for security reasons the location of planet and the quantity was kept blank. Mr Vicky was the officer for confirming the truth of a new species, i was the person selling the earth and the reason was warlike people. We waited  for DNA and other related questions and formalities to be present, the report came after three hours positively. With the blood report attached the guild and the government congratulated Mr Noah on finding a new specie, he even got a seat as promised. All the papers were sent digitally, Mr Noah took a relived breath which was short lived when he saw a evil grin on my face.

      "I feel like killing you  now" As soon as the words came out of his mouth he looked at Aron  seeing no reaction from him he continued " now what troubles have you brought for me, let me take some rest" instead of answering him i commed the galactic council and told them that there is a change of plans, they should reveal the news of partition within ten minutes and they have to support me by signing some paper which will be coming shortly and later even, i got the response immediately that they will do so and they will help me in every step of the way till we are friends. Then i commed my father and told him my new plans and tom watch the news, in response i got scolded and told to keep my head on one decision, but thankfully they were already in their new location. Then i commed Isabella and gave her all the update about the plans and dividation of the space, again i was scolded and promised me that after returning everyone will give a thorough beating, i chuckled at that and closed the com,

      "MISTER Vasant please speak" they both said as one, "if you have a screen, then there is a deceleration on the news channel from galactic council"as they were watching the screen i removed the papers for them to sign, Mr Vicky was promoted to a common admiral of two galactic police force and the same for Mr Noah to be the common Admiral of slave guild, meanwhile the same thing was said on the screen and the closing line was "We as the true friends, we will help them in every possible way and expect the same thing from our galactic members, may we be friends for ever". They both turned towards me as one then they saw the papers, they kept switching glances from me to screen to papers for many seconds. for being sure they picked up their paper and read them five time, but signed at last. 

     Aron started chuckling at their reaction, soon all the three commes started buzzing they got the congratulations and asking for party and i got the threats of killing me from my brothers and friends. The party was decided to be held tomorrow at this location, " now lets do some business" "Aron we wont harm him at all you have my word, the word of admiral of police force" " Hey i get it that whatever happens here is all in a friendly way, but before you start Mr Noah there is five hundred fleets standing there ideally. Where are the slave's please tell me so that i could fill them and send them on their way there is a war going on with a specie's, they might need them". "Contact with my AI he will assist you and don't worry about payment i will get that on a later basis" "Aron please don't leave me here they will really kill me" i tried to fake out fear but it was of no use, at that he burst out laughing  loudly and replied " As if you are really gonna die, did you forgot that i am in your brain even, i can know when you fake something, and Mister Noah do you mind if i stay with you i am fed up with this guy, and Mr Vicky another clone of mine is waiting for you in the ship outside. Have fun" with that he walked out " you moron don't leave me here help me" i shouted at his back, whatever was his reply.

   "You want to do business after giving us a lot of head ache, you fucking cunning monstrous bastard " we tackled and tickled each other like little kids for several minutes.  

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