Chapter twenty-nine - Antrosker and Raporian

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         Now was the time for destruction and the fun time "Aron open the link to others" "Listen, everyone If you want to stay alive then come to us, the willing persons that come to us will be spared and released to your families. Leave the ships to others those who don't want to submit" Soon many life supports were moving in our direction, we gave them the support fire to reach us safely "Hey losers for the first time I thank you to take the burden and off my shoulder's, I don't know how you got so many points but let me tell you I have sent many ships in other direction to capture two species and this is the third one we will be taking. the Raporian will accept defeat once the Antrosker's are killed so back off. Oh and one more thing now we are the eleven who are gonna win you lazy bum. If you come near us then we will kill you and declare that it was mistaken and you died in the crossfire".

        After all the ones who wanted shelter were rescued I had a plan. "Do you want to go, home friends, that too early" "Yes " everyone cheered So what we did was we charged the planet destroyer and destroyed the Antrosker planet below the fight and the enemy group destroyed the enemy fleets. We were now relaxed because the only thing we did was, we destroyed the planets. After three months and a thousand planets, our fighters were getting bored. So I declared "Fire on will but carefully" the collins fleets was now being destroyed faster as we went deeper. Now everyone was happy due to the target practice they were getting. After another three months, the enemy fleets were so less that they started panicking.

    "Incoming message" Aman declared one day when we were having a tea "Play it on Aman" "My name is David and I and my friends want your protection" "not possible David " Mia replied. "you and your friends are gonna be our slaves, we want our revenge" "Mia its no time for revenge help me" "sorry David get killed or be our slave". Reluctantly he agreed and an escape ship came towards us when we went to greet them all the players were there except Collins Son. "Where is Owan" Isabella inquires. "He is on the field with one Lakh fleet out there" "Girls and boys lets take our revenge" Mia shouted excitedly. For the next seven days, no one came out. They were so angry on them that they used to beat the so roughly that the screams were heard all over the ship. "Isabella if Owan continues his madness then he will be in danger because the next planet is last and the head planet, it has a trillion fleet" "Aron seize the fire from our self and starts when his fleet is standing alone. Help him get there fast" "All ships help the enemy to reach the final destination and then return to defense position".

             Soon every fighter and ships started clearing the battlefield and helping the enemy, "Ha ha ha ha, Stupid's you gave me the way for my victory, the collins wins again. Tell Isabella that this time she will be mine slave, every time I went to her father to buy he declined me. Now as a winning wish I will claim smith family and we will be in council even, ha ha ha ha" I just looked at Isabella speechlessly "Attention every fleet member be ready for the bloody war, Weapon masters keep your weapons out and ready. No one speaks like that about my sister". 

         As the Final battel started Collins fleet was starting to thin like water out of hand, as the collins the last fleet was remaining I shouted to open fire, and at the same time Owan shouted defeated. We moved forward faster and sliced through the enemy line like a hot knife through butter cube. After some time we were able to surround the last ship and Owan was rescued as he stepped on deck we were standing " Good pets now this fleet is mine, give it willingly or I will claim that you destroyed my ships because I was on top. And send my bitch of a slave necked and bound to serve me" and he started laughing. I slapped him on his face so hard that he fell down and broke his jaw. "Aron play the recording from where he said that he will enslave my sister" as the video progressed Owan's face went paler " Sister claim your price, Aron release this video to every person in both the council members and citizens. Everyone wrap up the war".

       Everyone fired in full capacity, within the next three days every Antrosker was destroyed and as Owan had informed Raporian surrendered themselves but instead of taking them as slaves we offered them the same deal as we offered the other two but with the condition of being our friend. The whole game/war lasted for three years. We returned home as the only survivor and winner.

    "Thank you"

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