chapter Ten - Slave world Part two

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   We followed him in an elevator, all fourteen of us were able to come at a time. First we went to floor no U-50. "These Four species were waiting for you for million years, they were loyal friends of the chosen one, it was our duty to keep them safe. all four of the species gave their live's in the GREAT BATTLE for saving their friend. Before going to battle the gave us their infants, we kept them here". Soon we reached their floor, Noah announced our arrival, upon entering everyone was overjoyed. They were known as Frookians, then we met Griol's on U-49, next came Itirians on U-48, and the fourth were megaterians.

     After meeting them we went up again but to a different room, this room was more like a stage, "Megaterians are normal like us but they have seven tails every tail can create different things such as Rocks, water, Fire, Air, electricity, Metals and diamonds.  Frookians are furious fighters they are best in hand to hand fighter's. Griol's are great mechanics they can't stay away from machines, daily we had to give them a lot of broken machines to keep them busy. Now last but not least Itirians they were the scouts of the battle they can fly in space without the need of suits and they can control weather, each and everyone has a family of one lakhs twenty five thousand  families each to be accurate ".

  "Now for business what should i provide you with", "what ever we ask we need them in the big quantities and that too with families if possible" " that can be arranged, how big are we speaking by the way". "Ten Lakhs one thousand, first we need Droll's" "consider it done" "Next we need Sprook's" "done", "Tripor's" "manageable" "Amkerion's" "now this are the hardest to find, but will be done within five months or sooner only for you".

    "Next i need two different species for pleasure propose that is on you, surprise us". "then get ready because these are also very rare and hard to find like Amkerion's" " the first is Spancie's and the second is deporian's you cant stop them from pleasuring, if they see a cock out in open they race to see which one will be the first to pleasure the person with the cock". "If we do the calculations of all the slaves the total comes to many trillion credits, Will you be able to pay the amount. In response I just transferred the amount to his account. After transferring the money we checked our status, from seventh richest we dropped direct to tenth.

     "This is the first deal which went easily without haggle, It is just as i expected thank you for this deal and coming here. Now as for your greatness in giving the whole amount in advance". "Its a great pleasure for us even because we don't have to go roaming and rescuing every family member  of the slaves,  i think that a person is more effective with his family with him in a safe place rather than some ware else". " True words, Now as for a discount and a thank you note for making the whole galaxy safer by lowering the prices of the ships, the leader of a species have just arrived, they are known as Decorian's, they do not come out of their planets. But when they need some money they often bring a family for auction due to their poor state of living".

   As they arrived for the same reason as to sell their family i was literally shocked to see them and offered the same deal as we offered the Droll's, they were great doctors so we added Ten Lakhs one thousand to our fleet, they were great full because now they had a better home, they wont have to go hungry any more nor do they have to sell their families any more. The business was over and everyone was happy in the end, we were shown to our quarters everyone was headed to their room respectively. I stayed behind by the reason of giving the details of when to give and where to send the delivery.

   "We are going to stay for three days and i want all the slaves and the loyal's to be ready on fourth day in the morning to be ready to depart". "It will be done, anything else" "I have a few Favor's to ask". " Please do ask sir" "If i am not wrong then i think that you have a rival whom you would like to see crushed and out of business", "you are accurately correct sir" "and every successful Slave trader has its own private pirate fleet" "to be honest yes we do have one".

   "What i want you to do is get out the word that a small fleet has bought the most exotic and valuable slaves from you and a new species which is discovered by them, i will give you the root even". "Why is that" i showed him my fleet and he was impressed " wont they be suspicious  by the size"  " no its designed as transport, also include the quantity of the slaves. When the word is out and you are sure that they have gotten the news, you personally go and warn them, also convince them by showing them our weapons and the strength meanwhile convince your rival by the fortune and making him believe that they are just transport ships".

     "What will be the result and the profit in it for you" , "the result will be the pirates of your rival will attack on us and we will destroy their seventy percent of ships, when they will see that you were speaking the truth they will come to you directly and bring his family and everything to you as a payment of your warning, you will gain a lot of wealth and respect among pirates rest is up to you. And my profit is that we will have some target practice and warm up, plus a lot of more ships orders". We laughed at that aloud.

  "And any more things sir" "I want more slaves that we bought today in bigger quantities, except Droll's and Decorian's". "More bigger means how much sir" he asked in ave" their whole planet, i don't care if you capture them or deal with them i just want them to be sent to S-10259".  "I will give them to you for thirty percent discount sir", "one last favor, i have researched about some rare species if you can get them i will be very great full of you" " by judging your serious expression i am afraid and i think that it will be a challenge. Please tell me".

"Thank you"

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