Chapter Eighteen - Creating The Heart Of New Territory

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           I commed Noah and asked the permission to come to his room, i got the response a little lat that i could come whenever i want, there is no need to ask permission. As i entered his room with an evil grin on my face, he was sitting with his family having a drink, his family consisted of a beautiful wife and two kids of my age. I was welcomed with open arms and was offered a drink which i took gratefully " No not again, i just came from my office , i kept only a hand-full of slaves as a breading stock that to the best of quality, some best female had to be given for free to high landlords,  and somehow i managed to arrange an auction just before the party so every person should come to this party,as soon as i enter my home i get a comm waiting from you. I thought that you came here to thank me but now you come here with that evil grin means i have more work, now spill it you cunning bastard.

        " So you are the one who my father was speaking about, thank you for your generosity, because of you we are famous" his elder son spoke first, his name was Adam." hey its nothing, i haven,t done anything, its your great works to which he got the fruits of" "bullshit now tell the reason of your arrival" "the reason that i came here is my group has caught some slaves and you have to buy them or auction them, and they are none other than Deparive's and Tentrave's" "No way not even in million years, i knew it, i knew it the moment i saw your face. Do you even know how hard this business is, and there is no space, for storing them ". then and there i got a new idea.

    Aron i want to do one last work please, ouch hey its very urgent i promise one last work, he granted me the permission, i made him send two comms simultaneously to merge the two businesses, Mr Noah's slave selling and our ship making. " stop right there you son of a bitch, i know that look , you cunning bastard i am ordering you to stop right NOW" i was having none of it. First i got scolded and told me to just fucking enjoy my life, i told them i will after their answer. everyone agreed, i made Aron to send a last comm to father and asked him if is it possible to add two more seats in council by my choise, he replied in affirmative and shouted me to just enjoy my life for once, ' at least for tonight enjoy or i will come personally to you and thrash  you like hell, the last order was given to Aron that ten best livable planets at  the heart of our territory should be converted for Mr Noah's use and nearby planets will be given to others.The heart of our territory will be our own slave market and the planet which will be in center will be the first ZOO. As i opened my eyes Mr Noah started making a fuss, i laughed aloud at seeing that, " What have you done Mr Noah why is my father making a fuss "ask your father " i just couldn't stop laughing, when her daughter looked at her father he responded.

      "The cunning bastard gave me a lot of work just right now", "but  daddy he haven't said a word, he is just laughing". "i know him very well Eve do you want to see what he just did"? " hey you monster , you fucking cunning bastard now speak and tell me what have you done" i controlled my laughter some how and said " you said that you don,t have much space for storing the slaves so" "hey it was  not the truth i was just frustrated so i said that" " anyway what done is done so i asked my father and my group a simple thing and they agreed" "nothing is simple when it comes from your moth" "That you and Vicky should get a seat in new council in our territory" " wait a minute we are council members let me call Vicky here". He came running to us within a few seconds. "WHAT AM I HEARING THAT I AM A COUNCIL MEMBER NOW, AND THAT TO OF YOUR NEW TERRITORY, LETS US TAKE A BREATHING SPACE YOU FUCKING IDIOT OF A BASTARD" he shouted at me and took a drink which he was offered and drank it in one swallow. " there is more to it" at the revelation of more news they both fainted and i fell out of love seat laughing, After a few minutes when they came back to the world of living we all took a drink.

  And i continued " now you Vicky you have two duties first as a Admiral of both police force fleet and a council member's, But you my dear partner you are not so lucky, you have many more such as Admiral of this galactic slave guild, head of new galactic slave guild, top dealer of slaves and owner of ten worlds plus my new invention ZOO where every species will be present as a slave or manager with animals even, equal partnership in friends corporation and many more that i will think of". Now Everyone present in this room went white as if they have seen a ghost. I burst out laughing again, this broke the silence and i got three different reactions, Noah and Vicky were shaking their heads, kids were so happy that they were on their comms immediately telling their friends through their comms and preparing for their party, and last but not least miss Olivia had the glean in her eyes, the one where she can boost her new status to her friends and in the party, of how she was glad to be a wife of a very important man in galaxy.

     "Anything else Mr bastard  before anything i say because you won't go out of this any easily" "yes, You have only tonight to plan the design of your slave planets, one month to plan and equip the zoo, you both have to submit your forms till the morning, Hey i got a new idea, i know that you trust me i just need your permission, its about your kids" "is this your last idea because i cant take anymore " at the mention of them they both hung up their calls and paid attention to us "i think its the last idea in my head, i am saying sorry in advance for the troubles it will bring you, but according to my research Adam has just done his major in slave breeding and Eve in slave handling plus slave fashion right" instead of Noah the kids replied in affirmative "So now they are the fleet admirals in our group" this time the kids fainted and i laughed, " When will you stop giving us shocks Mr bastard, please no more thinking, no more ideas we will die, for teasing him more i said "oh, oh my god, i will never stop... i will give more jobs as i get the ideas. Wait a minute , i think i am getting more ideas. let m,e control my laughter."  "SHUT UP.. SHUT THE HELL UP YOU BASTARD, LET ME TAKE A BREAK YOU HAVE FRIED MY BRAINS, SLAVE GET ME THE SLAVE FROM CAGE NO 365 NOW. I cant believe you, where do you get these ideas. You fried my brain by giving me titles now i will fry your brain by pleasure" "Aron had to shock me to stop my laughter and bring me back to normal.

    " Oh god you had to see your faces"

  "Thank you"

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