Chapter Twenty One --- History of Krinsorpian

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      The answer which came was disturbing but acceptable, due to Aria being my first mate i gained the ability of choosing the DNA formation and Krinsorpian never give birth to kids they lay eggs. Due to being a male hybrid , the egg formed in my stomach can be transformed  into a female by entering my cock inside the cervix i readily accepted the ability. there was a note as i accepted all the abilities, i read it, due to insufficient and improper nutrients of a Krinsorpian there is a bad and good news, good news is that you can extract an egg from a women the same way as you can enter it. the bad news is the egg wont come out of a women it will hatch into her abdomen and the baby will come out by tearing her stomach.

     This news saddened me but i thought for hatching an egg we could use slaves, suddenly it struck  me that now my head is like a computer. wow there are many benefits of being an AI. when i saw the time taken by my musing i gasped, instead of a promised minute it took me thirty, History can wait but not the family. i didn't changed my appearance i just shrunk it to seven foot because i wanted to scare them. i told my plans to Aron and told him to warn the super eight and my father. He was happy to see that i was ok and was coming up to meet them.

    As i was climbing the stairs i got the update that both the council members were present with all my admirals and fleet admirals. and they were updated on my condition and who i am.  as i entered the floor it was another huge room with many sofas and love seats, " i am feeling hungry and getting angry" was the first line i spoke after entering the room. Everyone backed away from  me in fear. I just couldn't control  my laughter and burst out laughing loudly, it took them another minute to understand my joke, meanwhile as i was roiling on the floor laughing i turned my self back to human form so as no one gets hurt by mistake. soon every kid in the room was on me hitting with pillows and cursing me. And every adults started laughing as well.

       " Hello, i am a human, get of our you will kill me", "kids let him up even we have to speak with him" at fathers request everyone started getting off of me. " Thank you dad, otherwise they would have killed me" "we are not over yet"Aman threatened me. "Count on it little brother" if their eyes could make holes then i would have been pierced with hundreds of lasers. after the banter was over i greeted everyone, after about three hours of chatting one by one everyone started leaving, before going though they had a request to speak with me in private. Now only the closed ones were remaining, "Now everyone who is remaining is my own so i have two announcement to make, the first is i am a hybrid Krinsorpian, i am combined with Aron" with that i was scared what if they hate me. "Cool, it means that you my little brother will live forever" "what is cool Isabella, i am a fucking hybrid not a pure Krinsorpian don't you all hate me". in response Isabella got up went to replicator took a rod and came towards me, she hit me on the cheek with all her strength she could muster "hey why did you do that it hurt's" "that's why i used the rod not my hand, now listen you dumb bastard, stop looking down on yourself, if you do it again then we all will thrash you and make you understand it in our way" i thought that she was taking it in a joke so i told her that it is not a joke and i am really an hybrid, in response all the fifteen kids got up and started hitting me with it. They stopped after a minute and William said.

      "Listen and put it in your head that no one cares that if you are an hybrid or not in this or any other galaxy's, now remove that earth's thinking". I looked at my father and super eights for confirmation, they all nodded in agreement " okay i get it, please don't hit me anymore" we all chatted some more when father got up and started leaving, i followed him, at the gate he said me to take care and from tomorrow onward's my holiday starts again so no work from tomorrow , today will be exception, soon the super eight followed and i told them that they should increase their population so much that  planets in all the galaxy should be less, at that they all chuckled and thanked for caring about them. then Mr Vicky said that i have given him more work than he could handle so he is leaving and told me to please don't do work anymore. Now only i, my group, Noah family and Aria was remaining. I sat in a bean bag made specially for me and a breath of relief exhaled from me, " now did you understand the meaning of stress you cunning bastard" Noah accused me, in return i gave him my special evil grin and extended my arms towards Aria, she squealed in in joy and came running in my arms and hugged me tightly, thank god i had crystal bone not the usual one, Amelia glared me in shock and Noah cursed" Stop right the you evil cunning monstrous bastard, i know that look of yours last time you gave me the look i had to work whole night preparing for the future work" i laughed and settled Aria on my left leg and hugged her lightly, after seeing me do this Amelia got up and came face to face " You came and proposed me first and now you are taking her on your lap, what is the meaning of it" " I am a Krinsorpian the legend and its my destiny and duty to marry multiple times. But she was the one to claim me first, how will this dumb bastard protect himself from all the girls evil charms". For that i got slapped on both cheeks and Amelia sat on my other lap, i hugged her even. My both wife kissed each other and slapped me once more, "uuuhhh... someone please save me from them". "No smart man is going to help you when it comes to evil women's charm", now for that Noah got a slap on his arm, soon we started chatting on what happened within the month "hey i had a job for you mister Noah, and a deceleration to make" "please let me have a moment of peace" "after these two jobs i wont impose you with any more work till the game is over, i promise you that".  "its a relief to hear those words coming out of your mouth" "the first is the zoo" i discussed it with Noah, how to plan, how to divide and what not, "and the second is the party and auction of Deparive's and Tentrave's",

   "OK when do you want them" "I want them to be tonight, tell the media that a Krinsorpian will be present".

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