Chapter Twenty-Seven - War/Game Begins

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      As the announcer announced the start of the war the colin's son got out of the ship top and announced " Hey smith you can be the toppest in wealth but you are the smallest in the fleet, your ships are unique but we have the quantity. WE the top eleven have allied as one, you are alone. Go to fight and if you need any protection call us freely, we will enslave you and give it to our slaves as a gift" in answer to his words we gave 1002001 single shots of our sniper just missing him by the distance of hair and hit far away in the sky where the enemy ships were hidden camouflaged. The view was spectacular when thousands of ships exploded now was my time to answer. "Hey blind man, go and change your clothes the are smelling, and one more advice please keep your self safe and don't kill your self".  With that, they went to attack Antrosker's. "Just go and stop near the area of destruction". As we reached the debris I was glad that only Antrosker's were destroyed not any other species.

     We went for Horkoras first Because of they were only ten planets and very few ships to capture. We never destroyed them, we rendered them useless by destroying their engines, weapons, and shields. we wanted them to be on friendly terms not on the enemy terms.  by the time we reached their head planet, we had forty fleets ready for battel without any crew.

   I got out of the hatch in my legendary form and landed near their main base, no person came to attack me but their leader came out to greet us" Welcome fighter, I am pleased to see you. I don't think you are a citizen of the champion galactic council" "No How do you know that" "Because when we went to them to make the deal of equality and friendship they offered on one term that we sell a planet to them for showing that they won us in a war, not on a compromise. We declined them that condition and they said that they will destroy our half of the population in this game of theirs. But you haven't killed a single soul and came here alone, I offer the same to you Equality or nothing". "Equality is accepted on one condition that is by taking our Forty fleets as your own and join us in fight plus you have to leave these planets and take twenty planets near Our Friends Galactic Council and a seat in our council". I gave him a smile and my hand for shaking "Only on one condition, these planets are at their thirty percent vegetation but will give us with at least the same percent" "I won't give you the thirty percent vegetation but A hundred percent one with a lot of forests in it". Everyone cheered and we shook our hands and started extracting them in small ships. 

    I went with their head on their first ship and showed them their ships it was the same as ours but they had a portion of the interior of ship converted into the forest,  "Welcome Admiral but I have a request for you to decide are you happy with this or can you take the seat as an equal with me and be the Admiral of the fleet and divide the forces equally". His eyes were moist and accepted the position of Admiral of the fleet. "I promise you that every citizen will be loyal to you" We took it slowly but steadily, after six months we were able to divide each and every member equally and take each and everything from the planet which they cherished and our fleet was increased again. Now we had 2002 fleets of 1001 ships each." Let's Move towards Crockporian's".

       It was confusing, there were no asteroids in the way and no sign of War at all, "I think we are on the wrong way William" "No Vasant I don't think so, I am getting the signals about them from this same location. We have tracked them for two days and I don't think this machine is wrong at all" Suddenly Five thousand ships appeared from nowhere and started firing on us, it was like a small butterfly hitting on a bulletproof jacket, so I ordered our ships to stand down and do not fire. After firing on us for three hours nonstop their firing stopped. "guys lets have a coffee break, they won't go anywhere. According to my calculation, their Head man may be coming soon" As if on cue a small ship came towards our Fleets and asked for us, they were escorted towards us flanked by four one-man ships. And simultaneously many of our ships were divided and we're rounding them and facing outward as if protecting them.

   As the huge Crockporian sat on a place where we have made a special soft chair for him, I said: "We are in a truce at present I give my wholehearted promise to you that there won't be an attack on you or your ships in any way, Do you give us a chance to serve you and your fellow men". Ina heavy but the understandable voice he replied " I am glad for your hospitability and thank you for not killing us because of our stupidity of attacking you first, can you please provide food for other ships even" "It will be our pleasure".  "As you can see the food is being delivered but they are not accepting it without your word, Aron please put their second in command on this speaker" soon we heard the same type of voice "leader are you ok, And why have they surrounded us. What are they giving us" "I am ok and having something to eat, they have surrounded us for our protection from their likes" he looked at me for support if he was speaking truth for which he saw a smile on my face and a nod "and they have agreed to supply food for us until we come to a decision". "Sir just do not accept being a slave to them, we will fight till our last breath for you do not worry for us".

    "Thank you"

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