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The next day I decided to just walk around the resort and take in every bit of memory I left behind, try to rekindle those feelings I had.

I kneeled down in front of the flowers along the pathway, aroma hit my nose, the smell strong and beautiful, reminding me of 1993 and restless nights with Harry when we would take walks down this same path and picking out these exact flowers around midnight, staring into each other's eyes, his green doughy eyes staring into my brown tired ones, making me feel at home, like I was needed. Kissing his pink luscious lips and treasuring the moment, for we kissed like it was our last one we'll have ever.

I stood up slowly, the flowers still in my hand, holding onto them like my life depended on it. I took a moment to savour this moment and sniff the beautiful flowers another time.

I started walking over to Olivia's flourist stand, talking to her felt right, she was a friend, after 16 years I still felt like I knew her forever.

"Good afternoon Olivia, how are you this morning." I wondered, staring at her in awe.
"Darling it was swell, like always!" She smiled.
"You seem especially happy today."
"Well you'd be pleased too know I saw Harry down at the beach around 6am, he looked too deep into thought for someone to interrupt him." She glances over to the beach, pointing at the edge of the water, most likely where he sat.

"That's good, do you know if I'll see him today?"
"Probably not, he only shows up outside really early in the morning, then he disappears into his room." She sighed, obviously disappointed that he didn't have a clue I was here, she knew but still didn't bother to tell him.

"Why haven't you said anything about me being here?" I blurted.
"Well darling, he would never believe me, he has already set in his mind that he'll never see you again, it's sad because he's isolating himself from everyone." She cried.

"Maybe he'll come down, just maybe." I pondered, gazing to the beach one more time.

"Hopefully, Janina. Hopefully!"

I trotted off thinking of a way to get too him. I was never the one to wake early, but I felt that would be such a psycho thing to do if I just waited around for him.

I walked into the forest, wanting to visit the waterfall, where Harry and I used to skinny dip together and to just relax. We where so comfortable to be naked together in the first week of knowing each other, feeling like I knew him forever and feeling so much connection.

I stopped at the path looking over to the waterfall, staring at it in disbelief, it was exactly the same, the water still clear and fresh, the summer was the best time to go swimming in those lakes, we would always drag each other down here and take a early morning dip and starting off our mornings in a perfect way. I turned my back to keep myself from crying again.

Deciding to call my mum because of how much I missed my baby boy so much, I knew he was well in, in good hands but I really needed to hear his voice.

"Hello?" My mum picking up the phone.
"Hey mum! It's Janina."
"Hey baby, is everything alright? Have you already seen him?" She asked firmly.
"No, no,no." I sighed. "Just to call to check up on Harry, I miss my little monkey."
"Of course! I'll get him now."
I shook my head from her actions, she really did overreact sometimes.

"Hey mummy!" I heard him yell.
"Hey lovely, how's it going at grandmas, are you doing well!"
"Yeah, she's making me waffles every morning." I could see his big smile through the phone. "When are you going to be back mummy, I miss you," hearing him suddenly whining, hearing him quickly tearing up.
"I'll be home soon baby, just a few more days." I try and reassure him.
"Dadd-" he was soon cute off by my mum.
What does he mean by that?
"Sorry about that, he's getting really anxious lately."
"What's it about mum? Why? What's happening?" I start to worry myself.
"Well apparently that letter was false and he keeps calling our house and asking for you, he's only down it twice but he's visited, yelling and knocking on the door, demanding to know where you are."
I stood shocked, all chocked up I answer. "Keep Harry safe, I'll be home as soon as possible." "Just warning you, he might come tonight drunk and very angry, if he gets in he'll take Harry if he can't find me. Hide him with dad in the basement or somewhere else, I don't want that piece of shit laying a hand on Harry or you and dad." I warned, I was stern. Scott was dangerous, he had no boundaries so of course he'll go trough hell to find me and ruin my life. I blocked his number off my phone when I left, unless I'll be getting calls every 5 seconds from him and voicemails saying how he's suffering or how I'm such a piece of shit and how I'm the worst person in the world.

"Ok honey, just pray for us and stay safe down there." She cried through the phone.
"I will but most importantly you stay safe, I'll be praying for you guys. Tell Harry I love him, ok, bye."
"Goodbye honey." She sobbed, I quickly hung up the phone to forget about the stress there going through to just make sure I get back soon and get back to Harry, so I know his safe.

I didn't even realise I was back in my room, the fragrance of lavender filled my nose, relaxing my tense muscles. Checking the time and reading 4pm, I sighed and decided to take a nap before dinner. My plan was to get back to my boy by at least in the next 2 days.

"Stop, no! Don't hurt him." I cried.
He was heating Harry, yelling at him for touching his magazines.
"He needs to learn from his mistakes, Janina. Isn't that right," hitting him on the cheek once more. It drove me over the edge, I suddenly found my footing and leaped towards him, yanking at his arm. He was already infuriated, he swung around, throwing me into the door frame, splitting my arm, I sat there paralysed, not moving, feeling weak and worthless. Hearing the cries of my baby boy and suddenly another loud smack.

A nightmare, I shot up. Sweat dripping down my body, shaking and scared, it felt so real. I looked around and saw I was in my resort in Italy, relaxing I wasn't in that moment again.
I haven't had a nightmare ever, especially of something that actually happened, it felt so terrifying and too real for me to comprehend.

I rose to my feet shaking still, I checked the time, it read 8pm. I frowned knowing I took a longer nap than I implied.

I stood beside my bed for a few minutes calming down. Once I stopped sweating and shaking, I dragged my feet down into the restaurant.

My head empty not wanting to explore any thoughts I arrived at the spot and sat overlooking the resort. I sighed and started to cry, the events and situation I was in was too overwhelming.

I ordered my usual, pasta. Simple but fantastic. Finishing up and clean all sauce off my face, I walked down to the pier on the opposite side of the resort, it was never a busy place, it was hiding and the only people who knew where it was, was Harry and I, it's the spot where we first kissed, tasting him is what I craved after that summer. I sat at the edge, looking down into the murky water and crying even more.

I truly don't know what I'm going to do, Scott's been nagging my mum and I'm afraid of him harming Harry again, now he could hurt my parents, which made me even more furious.

I clenched my hands down on the dock, feeling sharp pains through my skin, I was getting blisters but I don't care, my feelings where too much for me too feel great pain.

I closed my eyes and let the tears roll down my cheeks, feeling like I failed my baby and my parents. Sighing and letting my head hang for a few.

I laid back to stare up at the stars that where starting to appear in the dark night sky, remembering when I did this with Harry, I did everything with him, that's why I felt so empty after the summer of 1993.


This was so long but shits about to go down so I'll update soon!

-Chelsea x

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