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After the whole Avengers fiasco, I wandered back down to the intern workshop. I had no where else to go, so there was no point in leaving. No gave me a second glance as I walked into the room. I was glad, I didn't need anyone asking questions. I walked back to the room I was in before, leaving my stuff just long enough to go grab a cup of coffee and a spoon. While trying to get back to my new spot, I slammed into my someone, making me spill me coffee all over the floor. (I don't really know what day it is anymore in this story so now it's Saturday for plot reasons)

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" Came a startled voice. Peter. I sighed before picking up the cup off of the floor. He went to help, but I brushed him off.

"I've got this." I mumbled angrily. It had already been a shitty day for me, so this was just the icing on the cake.

"I'm so sorry!" He whimpered, shuffling his feet. "Here! I'll go grab you a new one!"

"No, it's fi-" he had already rushed off before I could finish my thought. I clenched my teeth together before using some paper towel to dry everything up. Peter rushed back over holding another thing of coffee for me.

"Here!" He said, shoving the thing into my hands. I quickly grabbed it before he could spill it again.

"Thanks," I grumbled before picking up the soaking wet paper towels off of the floor. I quickly threw them into the trash can, rushing off to try and make it back to my spot before someone else-

"Oops!" Giggled Nora as she knocked my coffee out of my hands with the large box she was holding. "My bad! I can get you a new one!"

"No thanks," I said through gritted teeth. "You've done enough." I left the mess on the floor before storming back to my spot without my daily fix of caffeine.

I sat down hard in my chair and put my face in my hands. Why couldn't something go right today? I quickly swiped my hands over my face and began to get out my laptop. Maybe, if nothing else, I could get a little bit of work done today. 

I started by checking my email, making sure there was still nothing new going on in my life. Sadly that was not the case. Apparently, me skipping out after lunch for weeks has finally gotten me expelled. I would've gotten kicked out sooner, but the principal decided I was going to be his pet project. He tried to turn me into the perfect student and, well, you can imagine how that went.

I sighed, but wasn't all that surprised. School wasn't really a priority right now, so I just ignore it for the most part. 

I turned my focus back to my work, trying to forget about the email.

Last week, I had created a computer program that allowed me to run masked people through it and get a rough sketch of what they really looked like. If I could get this done, it would allow me to track robbers only through the security cameras, even if they ditched the mask. To test run it, I was going to put someone through that I had been wanting to meet in person for a while; Spider-Man.

I quickly plugged everything in and waited for my results, tapping anxiously on the table. My sketch popped up just as Peter walking into the room. My eyes widened as I looked back and forth between him and the computer.

"Hey," he mumbled, "I just wanted to apologize for the whole coffee thing." I let out a small laugh, making him frown. "What's so funny?"

I smiled at him. "Oh, nothing.......... Spider-Man." He  turned white as a ghost.

"What-What are you talking about?!" He squeaked. "I'm not Spider-Man!" I motioned him forward with my hand, gently pulling his molecules toward me. It was just enough to make his feet walk forward.

"Don't try and deny it." I pointed to the image on my computer screen. It was identical to Peter. He shook beside me, his eyes darting around trying to find a way out.

"Why are you telling me this?" He asked shakily. "Blackmail?" I snorted at his question.

"God, no! If I wanted to blackmail you, you definitely wouldn't have known it was me doing the blackmailing. I'm here to offer a truce." He frowned at me.

"A truce? For what?"

"A truce between two superhero's who don't want anything to do with being with the Avengers." His eyes widened.

"You're- you're Regenerator!" He gasped making me giggle and nod.

"I'm here to ask to join forces to make sure the Avengers never force us into something we don't want to do."

"How would that work?" I reached into my bag and pulled out one of my beacons.

"Hit this button and I will hear you wherever you are and come to your aid. Same thing with mine. It will alert your beacon and I expect for you to come help me as well. Is that fair?" He nodded, taking the little remote from me.

"But why are you helping me?" Peter asked as I went back to tapping on my computer.

"I don't care for the Avengers thinking that they can do whatever the hell they want and get away with it. If this pisses them off and stops them from forcing you to reveal yourself, it will be worth it." Peter just stood there staring at me, clutching the remote tightly in his hands. "Now, if your just going to stand there, please get out."

"Oh! Sorry!" He scrambled for the door and quickly disappeared from sight. I smiled at my screen. That was surprisingly easier than I thought.

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