4. Your Plans

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YOUR PLANSBy: JhovLovesYouPublished: February 12, 2020 at 10:33 PM

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By: JhovLovesYou
Published: February 12, 2020 at 10:33 PM

Many means are done to achievement. But let's say that most of them are done in our own way...

in our own strength...

in our own might.

Due to our independence, we think that we become stronger. No. At times, we feel like stopping and let our dreams defer like we did not long for them to be achieved.

I remember, as I was taking my review for the board examination, someone once asked me, "What's your plan?" I told him my plans but I admitted that I was afraid to take a step to achieving my goals. That time, I was in the verge of making a decision which road I would take. And the thing was, I had many options and I could not discern which was which.

He told me, "You have many options and can't tell which one will lead you to success. Jovi, in order to know your direction, serve God then you will know your plan."

To be honest, I was hesitating. It was like giving up and sacrificing big time. That was not a part of my plans. I only wanted to be a church attendee and try to share the Gospel in my own capacity, not to actually serve and devote my time to going deeper to God.

But after doing so, there were breakthroughs. There were changes-peace, love, joy... and hope. Strongholds were broken and still breaking the things that hold me to serving. My so-called "tough" personality became soft and gentle. My "lone" living became full of people who truly love me and who truly want to accompany me. I thought that serving God would be a burden. It actually led me to discerning the road I should take. That time until now, I'm always ready to see the other plans God has for me: His plans for my family, my career, my love life-for I know that God will always think the best for me.

Being independent is good, but not right. We should still be dependent, but to God. His thoughts are higher than ours, better to surrender our own thoughts and consider God to every decision we make.

Not "Your plans", but "God's plan". God's plans to His children will always be good and right...

Just trust the process.

"For I know the plans the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11

[Originally written on June 5, 2019]

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