8. Brokenness

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BROKENNESSBy: JhovLovesYouPublished: February 12, 2020 at 11:22 PM

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By: JhovLovesYou
Published: February 12, 2020 at 11:22 PM

Living the life we have means facing challenges and harships. There is definitely no person who is not going through something. It might not be seen, but there's still something within—and there will be a point that we feel like it's frustrating and depressing.

Then later on, you might be asking the question, "Why?"

"Why do I have a life like this?"
"Why am I facing this?"
"Why am I struggling?"
"Of all people, why me? Why us?"

There may be some times that you have asked about what you did to experiencing something you do not want to experience. There may be some times that you have asked God, "God, why?"

David was broken when his wives openly slept with the one who was close to him in a broad daylight and when his son died. Job was tragically broken as he went through numerous struggles after having a prosperous life.

But the thing is: they fell on their knees, cried, humbled themselves and casted their anxieties upon God. They became more faithful and they relied more onto God.

Brokenness becomes a thing that gives a person an opportunity to go to God—for the comfort and deliverance.

There's an epigram that says, "There's no one to help you but you yourself."

No. There is.

And He's bigger than your goliath.

You just need to come near to Him, and He will come near to you.

Being strong without Jesus in your life is like carrying a load on your back. You may look like strong and fine externally, but you are tired and shattered internally. But having Jesus in your life means letting Him be in charge of your brokenness. He will always help you. He will always be with you. He's your Strength, your Deliverer. There's a rest that gives you strength. There's a comfort—a peace within.

When life gets broken, God's power becomes more needed. God cares. Don't be afraid to come to Him because that's what He wants you to do in the first place. He is all you need.

"Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you." -1 Peter 5:7 (KJV)

[Originally written on September 23, 2019]

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