5. My Actions Depend on How I'm Treated

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MY ACTIONS DEPEND ON HOW I'M TREATEDBy: JhovLovesYouPublished: February 12, 2020 at 10:39 PM

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By: JhovLovesYou
Published: February 12, 2020 at 10:39 PM

They judge, "I'm pressured..."

They discourage, "I do not want to do this..."

They do not care, "I wish I could disappear..."

They encourage to do wrong, "I know this isn't right but they do it..."

They hurt, "It's alright to fight back and get revenge..."

They hate, "I hate them, too..."

There are a lot of situations that result what people would react in such. In this world full of wrongdoings, accusation, and twisted principles, we have been pulled to act in accordance to what around is doing and showing us.

"Then what? That's how the world is. That's society. We act in response to how the world treats us."

But let's think about this. What can we gain from being too pressured and worried to please others after being judged?

From giving up after being discouraged?

From feeling worthless after being ignored?

From being "in" when everyone does the wrong thing?

From doing evil after being wronged?

What can we gain from these?

There are, brethren. It can be weariness, or worst... DEATH—may not be physically, but spiritually.

What shall we do then?

We need to have a stand. We need to stand on what God is telling us. We need to stand on the principles that we formed through Christ Jesus. We need to follow the pattern what Jesus has shown us in the Bible. We need to rebuke and overcome the evil thoughts and desires in us so that it won't be shown with our own behavior.

It's not easy—and I am not an exception. I'm usually being carried by my emotions and react in accordance to how I feel or to how I'm being treated. But I know that it's a no-no and I'm trying to overcome that behavior. I just keep in mind that there will be no wide gate for those who choose Life. The ones who choose Life will enter the narrow gate and experience the painful battles of life.

"It's just the same. It's still difficult and painful. What can we gain from that?"

There are always breakthroughs in the Lord. We will also gain joy, peace, love and ETERNAL LIFE. We just need to let God be the center and the director of our lives.

No evil should overcome us, doing what pleases God should make us overcome evil. If you are treated evilly, then respond with goodness.

"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." -Romans 12:21

[Originally written on June 12, 2019]

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