XVI - Damage Control

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Vincent POV

I wake up with Abigail next to me, her arms wrapped around my torso. Her grip is tight. I sit up and she groans, trying to pull me back down.

"Abby my mama and sister will be here soon you need to get up." I pry her off of me and head to the bathroom.

"I just want to look at you naked for a few more minutes...is that too much to ask for?" She sits up. She's absolutely stunning, almost too stunning.

"Get dressed and meet me downstairs." I say after pulling a shirt and pants on mechanically. I head to Jessica's door, my knuckles hit the door hard. "Get up Jessica, my mother and Rose are coming over for breakfast. Be ready in an hour." There's no response but I'm sure she heard me.

I head downstairs when I see Abigail waiting by the elevator. "You have to go Abigail, before Jess gets down here."

"Come on if she can't accept the truth she needs to leave." She leans up and kisses me.

"It's a delicate situation. But you know how I feel so don't approach her like that again, ok?"

"How couldn't I when she was wearing my necklace?" I take a deep breath in and sigh, not knowing what to say. How many times can I tell her to leave? I kiss her one last time, hoping the physical touch with reassure her. Thankfully, she gets into the elevator. I wait until the elevator starts moving to head back upstairs to get ready.

Delicate situation is right, I have Abigail up my ass, Jessica is obviously miserable, my father wants to kill the both of us, and why the hell did I say I'd marry her? It does nothing for me. She has nothing to offer the family. But I did it anyway. I tried to spin it that I'm taking on more responsibility as future Don but she's not an object I can just shove into a closet. To be honest, I have no idea what I'm doing or how to act around her. Abigail was damage control. I can't have another person on Jess and my back.

I wouldn't do all of this for Jessica if I don't have some feelings for her right? I shake the thought out of my head. You'd do this for her because you're friends, that's a better word for it. I feel like an innocent school boy, and it sucks.

A servant greets me as I head downstairs. "All of the food and the dining room is ready for brunch sir. Is there anything else I can do for you?"

"Get Jessica down here. I talked to her about an hour ago."

The servant leaves and comes back almost as pale as a ghost. "Sir, I knocked on the door and there was no response. It's locked..."

I give the servant a confused look and head upstairs. Why does she have to be difficult? She's ok and then she throws a fit. I get to her room and knock. "Jessica are you ok? I told you to get up an hour ago, unlock the door. Don't make this hard." There's no response. "Relax. My mama and sister are just coming over for breakfast. Very causal." There's still no response. "Jess, please. I thought you liked my mom and Rose."

I rub my forehead as I reach above the doorframe and get the key. I unlock the door and she's not in her room. There's clothes everywhere. I notice a few decorations and personal items missing. Shit.

I head downstairs in a hurry and check the kitchen, the gym, my office. I have the servants check every crevice of this apartment. "How the hell did she get out?" I ask and head to my security room.

"Play back last night's security footage!" I yell and the man works quickly. He plays it and I look for her at the exits. Then I see her, in the kitchen. Somehow she got out the servant entrance. "Fuck!" I grab the closest object and throw it against the wall. Coffee and glass fly everywhere. "Someone is being fired for this! And I'm killing Jessica Bene when I find her!"

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