XIX - Explanation

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The next morning, despite my pure exhaustion, I got up bright and early for work. I'm excited to get out of the apartment for an approved outing, even if it is just paperwork and coffee runs.

I was downstairs eating pancakes before Vincent was even dressed. He laughs coming down the stairs as he fixes his tie. "I haven't seen you up this early since...oh wait I've never seen you up this early."

"Ha ha!" I say and roll my eyes.

He goes into his office and brings out three big binders. "These are records of people in acceptable families that you can go through and pick out. I keep records but I couldn't tell you half these people's names. We have pictures in our online database."

I flip one open. It shows a person's name, phone number, address, and any other important information. "You couldn't digitize these?" I laugh.

"Oh, that's such a great idea. You should stay home today and do that!" He smirks and pours himself some coffee.

"No! I see what you're doing here! I'm coming with you today whether you like it or not. It's part of the deal." I'm barely able to push the binders away to finish my food. They're bursting at the seems.

"Well are you coming or not?" He asks. He's already at the elevator? When did he move over there?

"I'm not done eating Vincent!" I frown as he moves into the elevator and I grab my stuff running there. I put my heels on as the door closes. "Really? We couldn't wait another five minutes?"

"You have a date tonight. We need to leave work early today." He says it so casually and leans against the wall.

"Already? It's only been a few hours and you already found me a date? Where have you been my entire life?"

He just laughs and I follow him out into the lobby. "How about we take the subway?" He asks.

"The subway? You want to take the subway?" I can't hide my smirk. I can see in his face he really doesn't want to. Is he actually trying to be nice to me?

"It's more public than a private car that can be monitored. It's safer." He reasons as we start walking.

"That's the real reason?" He nods like this is normal. "Ok, let's take the subway. So tell me about my date tonight."

"Wouldn't you rather it be a surprise?" He asks and nudges me.

"Definitely not. I've had enough surprises for a life time!" I put my hands up.

He shrugs and nods. "Fine! His name is Trevor Romano. He's a friend of a good friend of mine. I trust his opinion and I think it'll be fun. He's not the boss but he's high enough up in command that you'll be safer and I'm sure your parents won't mind."

"You know that's what I thought when I brought Enzo home and we see how that ended up."

He shakes his head. "Trevor isn't part of a rival family, Jess. That's the difference. For all you know he's your Prince Charming!"

I laugh. "I thought I knew who my Prince Charming was, and for all I know he could be standing right next to me and I wouldn't know. But thank you, I appreciate it."

"Jessica! Jess is that you?" A voice yells behind me. It's Sara.

"Fuck," I swear to myself. I don't have a coverup story. She knows Vincent is my boss.

I turn around and give her a sad smile. Enzo is gone, what am I going to tell her? "Hey Sara, how are you?"

"How am I?" She looks like she's going to slap me. "How dare you ask me how I am when you don't answer a single one of my texts or tell me where you are or when you got back from your trip with Enzo. Did I do something to offend you? We were roommates. I thought we were best friends!"

"Sara we are it's just a delicate situation..." I turn to Vincent and give him a look, he needs to trust me. "Excuse me for a second Mr. Armani."

I pull her away from Vincent's nosy ears. "It's just...we got back from our trip and Enzo got into some trouble. He was involved in some drug smuggling and he...he's dead...I thought I knew him. I thought he was my soulmate and there was this whole thing with the police. It just ended and I haven't felt safe lately and I didn't know if I could talk about it with anyone. I didn't want to put you in any danger. I'm sorry Sara it was never you I've just been a mess!" My tears aren't completely fake, but they're certainly not completely real. "I'm sorry it just hasn't been that long since...you know..."

She nods and hugs me immediately as mascara runs down my face. "Jess it's ok! It's going to be ok! You should have come to me immediately but I understand where you're coming from."

"Jessica I'm going to be late to my meeting." Vincent says and I give him a stink eye.

"I'm sorry I have to go. But I've been living with Mr. Armani. His apartment is a lot safer than ours. Later I found out that his family is good friends with mine."

She nods and gives me one last hug. "We'll meet up and I'll text you. I'm so sorry Jess!"

We part ways and I wipe the remaining tears from my face. "I just told her that he was involved in some drug stuff and I didn't know. He was killed when we came back from our trip. She didn't suspect a thing." I pull out my phone to see what my makeup looks like. "Dammit now I'm going to have to fix it all on the subway."

He just laughs. "When did you stop calling me Mr. Armani?" I can hear the mocking tone in his voice.

"I stopped calling you that when you lost my respect." I say and cross my arms, smiling.

"Ouch, so this cat has claws!"

I look up at him curiously. "When did you start calling me Jess?"

"When I realized you're fun to have around, but I'm starting to think you're annoying again."

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