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"Can I open my eyes now?" Shen Wei asked himself after he felt the gap between him and his man stretched. The cold surrounded him suddenly before he looked around him and saw only the merciless eyes of his colleagues who resented him so much.

Yunlan had left, leaving Shen Wei with the hungry wolves. Before he was soon brought out from his thoughts when he received the harsh critics of his co-workers. Addressing him with a cold provocative tone and accusing eyes for being the cause of their boss call off of his engagement.

"What the hell are you doing? and what do you think of yourself" Shen Wei heard the voice yelling out loud for everyone to hear even before he could raise his head to see who was talking to him this way angrily. Listening to the resentful voice of Wang, he knew it was her.

Deep inside of her she couldn't suppress her giggles imagining Shen Wei's irritated face now after being hated by everyone in here. He was about to head to his office with his head down, Shen Wei heard the unpleasant wicked voice he fears the most.

"Shen Wei" Called Chu, he approached him and stood just behind his feeble body that could no longer hang in there. Wang asked for everyone to leave to their offices taking back after her manager who was absent. She was trying to act professional and end the huge scandalous scene.

"Mr. Chu welcome. Zhao Yunlan went out with his fiance just now probably to discuss their coming wedding soon"  She pretended to be sweet and lovely glaring at Shen Wei making his body shiver from the amount of hatred she sent to him through her poisonous eyes.

Chu winked at her to leave before he pulled Wei forcefully to his office and locked the door behind. Shen Wei started turning pale and didn't know what to do. He quickly sent a text message to his lover to help him. He can't keep on hiding things further than this.

[Yunlan please come back, Chu is in my office].

"Finally, I got you alone and I had been waiting for this from a long time" His slurred speech proved that he was determined to do something malicious. Shen Wei was afraid of the fierce look on Chu's face, so he was thinking that it is better to deal with him sweetly. He held his hand which was on his wrist and removed it slowly.

"You ruined my life up until now, what do you want more?" Wei asked him nicely and that is when he saw his other hand was trying to hold something behind his back while caging him against his desk. Wei looked horrified to learn that he is trying to hold his waist.

"Don't touch me?" Wei shouted loud trying to avoid Chu and escape his grip but he was held firmly and threatened not to make any move. The moment Chu whispered some seditious words into his ear. Shen Wei didn't hesitate but kissed him quickly and pulled him for a hug.

"I miss you my babe....Um.... You taste so good, as usual" Said Chu softly into his ear before biting him.

"I can just die after this" Said Shen Wei while tears falling from his innocent wistful eyes like a stream of broken emotions. Every touch Chu made against his body made his heart aches greater in pain for the amount of disgust he was feeling.

Wei lost consciousness again as his anemia was provoked by the sudden fear as he ended up on his knees. Before he could react, he was lifted by Chu and put on his desk feeling his legs parting and a cold hand landed on his quivering thighs, he struggled in Chu's grip and that is when he realized that his other hand was on his waist.

 Before he could react, he was lifted by Chu and put on his desk feeling his legs parting and a cold hand landed on his quivering thighs, he struggled in Chu's grip and that is when he realized that his other hand was on his waist

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