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He knew that he had done wrong, Yezun felt so sorry and wanted to repent on sending the innocent young man to the devil Chu, and made one desperate effort to save himself and drown Chu into darkness.

He kept waiting in the hall while Guo was being examined by the doctor to confirm it that he was sexually abused. Yezun was preparing for something to bring down that arrogant sarcastic man.

After a moment the doctor came out and wanted to see Yezun alone. He reassured Guo that he will soon be fine and he gave him a detailed written medical report about his condition so he can use at the police station when filing a lawsuit against the man who raped him.

Yezun closed the door behind and went inside the doctor's office. He sat there facing his desk while being given a white envelope but before Yezun could take it the doctor pulled his hand back. He was worried about his position that nothing will affect him in anyway.

"You need to make sure that I won't be involved in anyway, I can lose my job" The doctor uttered in a worried yet severe tone.

"I promise, don't worry" Yezun couldn't feel the joy of getting such a file so he can use against Chu and not long before he texted him to meet today. Yezun was cluless on what Chu is hiding for him either.

Meanwhile at the mansion Yunlan was reading those messages sent to Shen Wei in great denial then a sudden shock of horror came to him. He was wondering if Shen Wei knew about this because he never said anything regarding this matter.

Yunlan forgot about the whole world in that moment and decided to make a quick move, he took Shen Wei's phone with him and left. He asked the butler to look after him when he wakes up and try and feed him until he is back.

Yunlan was driving filled with big inquisitiveness waiting to this person so eagerly. He parked in front an old Japanese restaurant in a very dangerous neighborhood. Loads of mafias and dangerous gangsters were circling the area. He knew he wasn't welcomed, a new figure is a target.

"Who are you?" Some huge men with scary tattoos stood in his face blocking his sight, they looked like mafias we see in TVs. Yunlan backed away and asked for Madame Riku. For a moment he knew what kind of woman this lady was. She reeked of power, racketeer, corruption and all kind of felonious behaviour.

He was well checked by the Mafia guards before he was escorted inside the restaurant. Loads of people were circling the area as it seemed a very important place, this woman was being well protected. He was so confused how could a woman have so many men working under her commands.

Yunlan let his eyes roll up to the woman that had entered. Her heels clacked like they were damaging his already shaking floor and he wanted to tell her to take them off. She had a strange hair colour and was wearing a black fancy kimono, but that isn't what grabbed his attention. Before her she held her symbol, it was a golden dragon tattoo on her neck.

He cursed inwardly and moved to stand, but then sank back down. He was lower than her, when she was sitting he saw a powerful position so long as she was relaxed enough. Instead he extended his hand open palmed wanted to shaker her hand when one of the men grabbed his wrist and looked at him in anger.

"You must bow and kneel down" Said the scary man.

"It's okay, he doesn't know the formalities. Leave him" She stopped her man with no intention of letting him call the shots and proceeded with the formalities and her first question came like a thunder that hit Yunlan insecurities so hard, it smashed whatever confidence he had gathered all the way here.

"You Mr. Zhao grandson right? and Shen Wei's new boyfriend?" Madam Riku asked.

Her eyes, a well of jet black ink, held a gaze more fearsome than a tiger. A thin paper cigarette hung from her bottom lip, a small trail of smoke escaping from the corner of her mouth dashed its way to the ceiling above them.

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