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Shen Wei did grow impatient, the love which sustained him, the hope that inspired him was stronger to contain. His soul seemed to be in a blissful, happy trance; no doubt, no fear, no bad presentiment but to live and bask every moment of it like it is his forever hapiness.

Shen Wei lifted his eyes up to Yunlan while wearing a blushed expression. His eyes met with the same intense eyes as before filled with desire and longing. He couldn't help but to stare back at him inviting his soul even more by acting all cute and innocent. What a sight made Yunlan's undies definitely soaked.

Yunlan licked his dry lips and his gaze immediately went to Wei's lips. He watched him as his eyes darken causing him to speed up his breathe. Yunlan's senses became very wild, he wants him so bad. He was thinking what can he do to melt him, and how will he start?. Until his thoughts got interrupted when Shen Wei wrapped his arm around his waist in a protective stance.

"You are thinking too much, I won't stop you. Have your full of me the way you want it, and let me please you darling" As soon as he said that Yunlan could no longer wait, his fears were put aside by his lover who could easily read through his mind. Shen Wei freed him from his worries and gave him full access to his sweet body.

Shen Wei was pushed on the matress wildly while Yunlan was on top of him, kissing him so fiercly like he would never be kissed again. Wei simply enjoyed the wild process before wrapping his arms around his neck and pulling him even down to him, kissing him back with so much fiercness and passion that made his mind swirl.

Breathlessly, Yunlan pulled away and  took a hold of Wei's arms from his neck and kissed them gently treating them very preciously while his eyes never left his lover's ones. Before Shen Wei could catch his breathe, Yunlan placed his hands above his head with one hand firmly and the other wrapped around his hair enfolding him.

"God, you're driving me crazy." Yunlan growled against Wei's lips and before he could think he was again kissing him much more fiercely and far more passionately, invading his soft insides with his hot tongue. His hand leaving Shen Wei's hair but didn't leave his body, exploring as much as he could, pulling his sweetheart closer.

The two lovers were exploring eachother’s mouths with their tongues feeling the right comfort of mouth feeding, they were feeding eachother their warm saliva as a simple process that can increase their mutual trust and thereby their deep pair bonding.

Shen Wei was feeling the arousal on his lower body as well as the feeling of pride rushed into. His mind was filled with Yunlan, making a guy like him who oozed power and control, loose his mind for him was such a blessed miracle. He pulled away when it was becoming hard to breathe.

"Um....I love you" Murmured Shen Wei with a weak shivering voice. Taking Yunlan's head in his both hands, he kissed him again but this time so tenderly and gently as he plunged his tongue into his man's mouth. Making his world suddenly bounded by the invasion of his emotive and flexible kiss.

"Yeah..... So good, babe"Wrapping his arm around Wei, he took his mouth with his tongue then teeth as he pulled on his lower lip, savouring him with every bite. He leaned down and delicately licked his neck, stopping at the pulse point before capturing the lobe of his ear.

Shen Wei sneaked his hand down to Yunlan's pants and unzipped it. With a pounding heart, he pushed his jacket from his shoulders, then he worked the buttons of his shirt. It was soon gone, that he could feel his skin. Warmth and rippling muscle. All manly under his fingertips.

They started undressing eachother slowly and within seconds, everything was pooled around on the floor, nothing remained but their underwear covering their throbbing erections. Yunlan sighed deeply as he stared at Shen Wei until he made him blush.

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