New school✅

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About a week after we moved in it was my first day of school and it was terrible. My mom dropped me off early so I had time to get my schedule and find my classes. I walked around for a bit tell u found the office I picked up my schedule then went to find my class. By the time I found it the bell had already rung so I was late I walked in and everyone looks at me.  Uh sorry, I got lost I said to the teacher oh it's fine the teacher started class this is our new student um she turned to me what's your name star butterfly I said kinda nervous star got it I don't have an extra desk so you can sit at mine for today. Um ok, I said walking to her desk. everyone kept looking at me all class and I can't blame them I was new I started near the end of the year so I was the new girl.  At lunch I sat alone I hoped someone would see me and come sit with me but that didn't happen. I just sat there texting Marco he was lucky at lunch as well but then something happened two boys walked up to me and started talking to me. Hey your that new girl right one of them said oh ya I just moved here I said smiling then from a distance I heard someone yell hey catch then bam I was hit in the head with an open water bottle the boys started laughing and I ran to the bathroom. I was soaked how full was that water bottle I thought. I dried myself for as well as I could then went back to the table to clean up I grabbed my stuff and walked to my next class.

I hope you guys are liking the story so far like I said I'm going to add Tom as a human also there's not going to be a lot of Marco in the next couple chapters they might mention him and he might pop every once in a while but I have plans so mostly star for the next couple chapters

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