Old friends

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So this chapter takes place about a year after the wedding and yes I know that's a big jump and they both have the same jobs she's still a teacher and he's still a chef also Pepsi will no longer be in the story

3:00 am
Marcos POV
I woke up to hear stars phone going of
Star i said still half asleep
Ok ok I heard her say  sounding a lot more tired

Stars POV
I grabbed my phone to see 3 missed calls
I ignored then and just went back to sleep I figured I could deal with it later

Time skip
Marcos pov
When I got up the next morning star was already up
She is always up before me because she leaves before me
So I got dressed as quick as I could and walked downstairs
Marco: Good morning
Star: Morning Marco
Marco: so what was with your phone last night
Star: someone was trying to call me
Marco: at 3 in the morning
Star: ya
Marco: well who was it
Star: I'll tell you later I gotta go ok
Marco: ok I'll see you after work

Stars POV
When I got to the school today everything felt weird I don't know why but I kinda brushed it off but I had the same feeling all day I didn't know what it was but it sure made the day go by pretty slowly
After school got out for the day i started to walk to my car when I got a text I read it and immediately texted Marco telling him I'd be home a bit later then I left i didn't really know what to expect I was kinda nervous and confused how did he still have my number
Eventually after driving for a bit I got to the parking lot were I was asked to meet him
I didn't get out of my car because I had a bad feeling all I did was lock the doors a about twenty minutes past and I decided to leave I had a really bad feeling and I didn't see anyone so I just went home

Marcos pov
Usually star gets home a bit before me but when I got home she wasn't back then I remembered her text
I knew I could trust her so I brush it off
And started making dinner and not long after I heated a knock on the door and went to go answer it
It was Tom
How did he know were we lived and why was he here

Marco: hey

Tom: hey is star here

Marco: no sorry

Tom: why isn't this her house

Marcos mind: right I don't think star ever told him we dated and we're married

Marco: she's just not home yet

Tom: well when will she be back I need to talk to her

Marco: she'll be back soon

Tom: ok I'll just wait out here for her

Marco: ok go ahead

Marcos pov
That was weird I felt like this wasn't going to be good I mean I don't think he knows and I didn't know him all that well so I don't know how he'll react

A couple minutes past and I heard a car pull up and then some talking on the porch

Stars POV
When I finally got home I saw a different car I had never seen before and someone sitting on the porch
As I got closer I realized it was Tom

Star: um Tom

Tom: oh hey star

Star: what are you doing here

Tom: I need to talk to you

Star: ok

Tom: well first off did you know Marcos in you house

Star: um yes he lives here to

Stars mind: why the heck is he...oh......I forgot to tell him crap

Tom: oh.. um.... are you guys dating or .... um something

Star: no we're married

Tom: ok

Star: can I go now

Tom: I'm not done

Star: fine

Tom: I just wanted to tell you that

Star: what

Tom: I have a girlfriend

Star: ok great why did you have to tell me

Tom: because I need help

Star: ok well I've had a long day so I'll call you tomorrow and we can talk about it

Stars POV
After Tom left I finally got to go inside and tell Marco what happened and I think we're both happy we don't have to deal with him trying to get me back like Jackie is with Marco
But the rest of the night was pretty normal and after what happened I like a bit of normal

Yup I know I'm posting this pretty late but I was busy all day and I wanted to get the chapter out so here it is

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