Chapter 40 i think idk

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I have officially run out of title ideas
Also random but thank you 7k reads and thank you for leaving comments I love reading them anyway here's the next chapter

Stars POV
Early the next morning I was getting my stuff out of the hotel room when I suddenly felt a sharp pain
I dropped my bags and went to sit down for a minute but the movement made it worse

I sat in the bed for about ten minute with the pain getting worse as time passed
I reached for my phone and tried to call Marco but again he didn't answer

Marco this is not the time for this
I said to myself

What do i do I thought
Who can I call

After a couple more minutes the pain I felt was becoming unbearable

And soon I knew what was happening

Marcos POV

After breakfast with some friends I was Immediately greeted by Pepsi when I opened the door

What's up girl I say walking into the kitchen to get her some food

I placed my phone in the table and went to the pantry to get the dog food
Then grabbed her bowl and Poured her some and put it back in place

After went to check your phone
It said I had missed a call from star

Weird I never felt my phone ring I thought

I opened my phone to call her back and was Immediately hit with


I don't know what I did but I'm probably about to have to apologize for everything

Marco: yes star

Star: were have you been I tried calling you and you haven't been answering

Marco: sorry I didn't know my phone wasn't ringing

Star: that doesn't matter right now but we will talk about it later

Marco: are you ok what's going on

Star: I can't explain right now I gotta go it's kind an emergency I'll call you back

Marco: wait star-

Hangs up

What just happened

And here we shall leave it
I know to short chapters in a row sorry but hey the next one should be longer

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