A litte longer

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Don't mind the picture it's all I could find also thank you for 5k reads
Stars POV
I woke up the next morning with a really bad head ache
Probably from last night I thought

After showering I put on a off the shoulder comfy shirt that was a grayish pink color and some sweats
I know that's not a normal outfit for an adult but I felt like crap and just didn't care
After putting my hair into a bun I walked down stairs

Good morning
I said walking into the kitchen

My mom started
Star it's almost noon
Are you sure you're an adult

Star: yes mom I'm almost in my 30s

Moon: you don't act like it

Star: thanks

Moon: anyway so what's with the bump on your head

Star: oh someone ran their car into mine

Moon: so a car accident

Star: no not exactly

Moon: did anyone get hurt

Star: other than me slamming my head into my steering wheel I don't think so

Moon: ok but I don't want you driving home

Star: but I told mar-

Moon: you may be an adult but I'm still you mom
You don't look good so you are going anywhere

Star: ( sigh) fine I'll call Marco

Ten minutes later
Over FaceTime
Star: so I guess I'm staying longer than I thought

Marco: why what happened

Star: wel-

Marco: ( panic) is it the baby

Star: what.... n-no ... Marco it's not the baby I just got into a small accident an-

Marco: ( more panic) an accident

Stars mind: why did I say that

Star: yes a small one no one got hurt I promise

Marco: you sure

Star: yes Marco

Marco: ok 😑


Star: who's that

Marco: I don't know I'll go see

Star: ok

Marco: ( props phone up on table facing the door so she can see to)

Marcos pov
I'm not expecting anyone so I don't know who it is
And I knew star would want to see too so I propped my phone up on a vase of flowers we had on the table and went to answer it
I opened the door to see Jackie

Hello Marco
She said stepping in to the house

What are you doing here
I asked her

Jackie: well I noticed stars not here and I wanted to talk to you

Marco: ok first off how do you know stars not here

Jackie: her cars not here and it hasn't been here all week

Marco: ok and why do you want to talk to me

Jackie: just for fun

Marco: ( backing up) ok just wait outside I'll be there in a minute

Jackie: what if we just sat on the couch it's cold outside

Marcos pov
This is not going well I was hoping she would go outside then I would just not go out there and lock the door and hope she goes away
I mean she's always trying to ruin My relationship with star

Why did I think she would fall for that

I glanced behind me to the table to she star looking very mad
I knew if she could she would probably punch Jackie In the face

just give me a minute Jackie I have to go grab something
I said as I walked away

When I got to my room and shut the door I realized I left my phone on the table

Crap this is not going to end well

I looked around the room and grabbed an empty box just because
As I opened the door Pepsi ran in between my legs making me fall when I got up I could hear her barking from the other room
I walked in to see Pepsi barking at Jackie and the two girls arguing over the phone

I pulled Pepsi back into the bedroom and then came back to deal with Jackie

( ok so pretty much Jackie and star are fighting because one they don't like each other and two Jackie is in her house
She also may or may not have threatened to take her dog to the pound sooo ya)

Marcos pov still

I grabbed my phone off the table stoping the argument

Marco: Ok that's enough ... star I'll call you back

Star: Marco don't you da-

Marco: ( hangs up call) Jackie please get out of my house

Jackie: ( puts hands on his shoulders) oh come on Marco star would never know

Marco: no Jackie im not like you

Jackie: I don't know what you mean

Marco: I'm not going to cheat on my wife so get out

Jackie: fine let me know if you change your mind

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