Family reunion

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I know I probably didn't spell reunion right but I don't care also I'm sorry it took so long to get this chapter out as you probably know I was on a trip and yes I had internet so I could have updated it but I didn't know what to make this chapter about and I've also been really busy with school stuff but that's over know so here's the next chapter
Stars POV
It was almost the big family reunion for my family
Marco usually came with me every year but this time he had plans already with some other old friends so he wasn't coming with me this time
I had to leave a couple days early because I live pretty far away from my old house so the plan was to pack today leave tomorrow morning stay at a hotel over night drive the rest of the way the next day then stay the week at my parents

Marco insisted on helping me pack
I didn't mind but I'm pretty sure it was because I'm pregnant
He's been super helpful ever since he found out

Marco: So are you excited to see your family

Star: Ya it'll be fun to see them all again

Marco: I'm sorry I can't go with you this time

Star: it's ok Marco

Marco: so how do you think your mom is going to react when you tell her

Star: i don't really know she can be kinda unpredictable

Marco: that's true I guess

Star: well what about your parents we're going to tell them not long after we tell mine

Marco: ya I'm pretty sure my mom is just going to be happy

Star: ya I guess your right

Marcos pov
After we finished packing it was time to eat dinner
We decided to go to this pretty good taco place I found a couple years ago
After dinner we went back home and got ready for bed
We usually went to bed around 10:00 because we both had work but even during the summer we still tried to keep the same schedule
But tonight was different we didn't get home tell almost midnight and we both had to get up early tomorrow
Hey it's me I'm sorry it's been a while sense I've updated I had a hard time with this chapter but I promise the next chapter won't take as long to come out

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