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Hey guys I know I suck but I have a random question
Why is the world so messed up ( I would love to say a different word but I don't swear)
Anyway this chapter was hard mostly because I didn't know how to write it so ya here's the next chapter

Stars POV

I had a lot of fun at the Reunion
Throughout the week we did different things with different family members
Personally I don't know how I'm related to most of them but I Just go with it
On the last day we usually do a big family dinner
And today was that day
So I got up early to get ready

I put on a light blue shirt with a dark blue jean jacket and a pair of jeans
Then I put my hair into a high ponytail

Then I went down to eat breakfast with my parents
And after I went out in my own to meet up with some old friends

It may be a family reunion but I don't come down here that often and I still have some friends that live here and that includes Jana

Jana liked to visit Marco and I but I haven't seen her since our wedding
And that was a couple years ago

So I got in the car and drove to her house
I go to her house every time I'm visiting my parents so I know were her house is

I pulled up to the house and walked up the steps to her door
And before I could knock the door swung open and Jana ran out


All of a sudden she was on top of me and trapped me in a hug

After that we just kinda talked
Like normal friends do

She was a bit shocked when I told her I was pregnant
But she said she kinda figured

I mean it's getting to the point we're it's kinda easy to tell

I spent most of the day with Jana doing things we used to love doing as kids before I moved away

After some fun hours I left to get ready for the dinner

This year we were doing a fancy thing so I had to dress nice
So I put on a blue off the shoulder dress
And some black flats

I walked downstairs and meet my mom and dad
We walked out to our cars and left

The drive to the restaurant was a little nerve-racking
Mostly because it was pouring rain and the road was slippery

Luckily me and my parents made it there safely

We walked in told them our reservation and went to sit with everyone else

The dinner was fun I guess everyone just kinda talked and it was interesting to know how everyone knows me and I know them
The food was weird though

Marcos pov

It was around midnight when I got home today

For the past week me and some old friends have been hanging out
It was cool to see them again

When I got home the first thing I did was start dinner
It was weird eating alone

All week my friends and I went out to eat
So this was the first time really
And the last

Star is coming home tomorrow
And I can't wait
Yes it's only been a week but

Ever since I got her back
It's been harder and harder to let her go

I don't want to loose her

After dinner I got ready and went to bed

Stars POV

Remember when I said driving in the rain was nerve-racking
Well that was a total understatement

After the dinner was over it was around midnight
So it was really dark and the rain was coming down even harder

On the way back to my parents
I drove as slow as I could go
It was scary

My car kept slipping and I had to bring it back as quickly as possible every time

My heart was beating faster every time it happened as well

After a bit
I started to calm down a bit
But then

The car behind me slammed into the back of my car
Pushing me forward
Making me slam my head into the steering wheel

It hurt so bad

But I couldn't think about that at the moment
The important thing was to get the car in control then pull over and check the damage

I quickly grabbed the steering wheel and put myself back in control

And the when I saw an opportunity to pull over I took it

So I pulled over
Turned on the lights in the car and grabbed my jacket, umbrella, and phone

I got out and walked to the back of my car phone on hand with the flash light on

I shined the light on the back of the car and it was wrecked
Any other words

Marco is going to kill me I thought
You know what I don't even care
I can try and get it fixed on my way home tomorrow

I got back into my car and pulled down the mirror
I looked at my head
I didn't see anything more than a bruise that was starting to form


After a bit
I got back on the road and safely made it back around 1 am

My mom questioned me but I couldn't really answer anything
My head Hurt and I was tired
So I told her I would talk to her in the morning and she agreed

I feel like this is a short chapter but it what I've got for now
I so sorry I know I said it wouldn't take forever to get this chapter out but it did
I am going to do a kinda explanation chapter so ya sorry again

Childhood lovers ( finished)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon